Stone Aries Andreas, Priv. Doc. Dr.
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  • Head of Research and Innovation
  • Deputy Director
  • Head of Institute for Organic Agriculture and Livestock Biodiversity
  • Carrying out scientific studies on organic farming (focus on livestock and pasture research) and implementing the results (universities, advice, publications, lectures, etc.)
  • Management and participation in working groups on organic farming, organic cattle breeding, eco-efficiency as well as pasture and animal husbandry  


Biodiversity in the Vineyard - 87th Podcast

Creation and maintenance of species-rich permanent greenery in vineyard lanes...

Valuable professional exchange on organic research

In September 2024, colleagues from Department II/3 of the BML visited the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein Bio-Institute to learn about bio-research topics...

Model region CLEAR! Ennstal Future Region - 86th Podcast

Tailor-made projects for communities and citizens to adapt to climate change...

Phosphorus and sulfur fertilization on organic grassland 85. Podcast

For most organic grassland farms in Central Europe, the farm's own manure is the central source of nutrients. ...

Biodiversity and Agriculture - Common Solutions - 84th Podcast

What do we mean by biological diversity and what contribution does agriculture make? There are already many biodiversity-promoting measures...

Online seminar series for teachers at agricultural schools

New online seminar series for teachers at agricultural schools The HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein is actively committed to promoting research...

Evaluating meat quality in beef - 83rd Podcast

Meat quality is more than the EUROP meat and fat class In Austria and the EU, beef carcasses are graded according to muscle and fat content...

Integrating arable land into grazing - 82nd Podcast

How can arable land be optimally used for grazing and what should be taken into account? The regulation for organic farming provides...

Solid metrics for solid decisions - 81st Podcast

How key figures help you to successfully develop your business Farmers are required to think entrepreneurially, always...

LfL Bavaria’s Organic Farming Competence Center visits the Organic Institute

The HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein Organic Institute has been working closely with the LfL Organic Agriculture Competence Center in Bavaria for many years. &nbs...

Herd, dog and shepherd on the mountain pasture - 79th podcast

Guided pasture management as a possible adaptation to current challenges in alpine farming Extensive grazing in the Alpine region is of high...

Landscape Conservation Fund Association - Preserving small farmers at Grundlsee - 78th Podcast

Crowdfunding for comprehensive agriculture at Grundlsee This podcast episode is all about the community of Grundlsee, where despite...

Keep an eye on the digestive processes of dairy cows during the transition to pasture by screening manure

Feed changes, such as at the beginning and end of the grazing season, also affect the digestive system of cattle as the entire digestion...

Organic cattle breeding - individual approaches instead of one-size-fits-all - 77th Podcast

Animals that are ideally suited to the business are my goal in cattle breeding. In this episode of “Agrar Science – Knowledge in Compact” Dr. Andreas Stein...

Educational concept - life cycle assessment of agricultural businesses - 76th podcast

Farm management tool "FarmLife" for the ecological assessment of agricultural operations The research group "Eco-Efficiency of Agricultural...

Bavarian testing in exchange of experiences

On June 11th and 12th, employees of the Bavarian state testing department went on an excursion to HBLFA Gumpenstein. The group sat down...

Red clover and alfalfa in cattle farming - 73rd Podcast

Recommendations for feeding cattle with red clover and alfalfa Clover and alfalfa are valuable plants - both on arable land and on grassland...

i2connect project group visits the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

EIP Bergmilchvieh i2connect Excursion The detailed analysis of the EIP “Mountain Dairy” project was the focus of the three-day visit by the delegates...

Insights into the life project “Farm4More”

Both climate change and the increasing demand for animal-based foods pose significant challenges for society and...

Development of measures to optimize animal welfare potential using the FarmLife Welfare Index for cattle

Animal welfare and the labeling of agricultural products are becoming increasingly relevant to society. The one at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenst...

Agricultural policy - a look behind the scenes - 69th Podcast

Almost every week, new laws, regulations and guidelines are issued at national and international levels that affect farmers and...

Growing rice in Austria - is it possible? - 68. Podcast

How can rice cultivation work sustainably in Austria? When we think of rice cultivation, we have images of flooded fields in our minds...

Completed projects on the farm management tool FarmLife

Here you will find links to the already completed projects of the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein eco-efficiency research group. ...

Results from the EIP project mountain dairy cattle

In the EIP project Mountain Dairy Cattle, innovative structural solutions for dairy cattle stables as well as pioneering alternative business development...

Test page for explanations - formatting options

meaningful, interest-inspiring introductory text, possibly with boldface letters - then continue reading...

Promoting animal health through optimal animal husbandry - 67th Podcast

Save costs and increase animal health - correct stable keeping and careful care make it possible! Animal-friendly keeping conditions...

Organic farming - actively tackling climate change - 66th Podcast

Effective measures for organic farming! The challenges in organic farming have changed. Research, for example on humus formation,...

Successful organic farming seminar for teachers in Tyrol

The annual seminar on organic farming in the classroom once again proved to be a meeting point for Austrian teachers, researchers, ...

Organic livestock day with HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

On Friday, April 26, 2024, Bio AUSTRIA organized together with the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein at the State Agricultural College R...

Horse hay - what needs to be taken into account - 65. Podcast

What is the feed quality of horse hay? The approximately 130,000 Austrian horses require around 200,000 tons of horses per year...

The role of agriculture in the energy transition - 63rd Podcast

Agriculture and forestry generates eleven times more energy than it needs Energy-fit farms know their energy consumption and actively...

Organic Institute at the international scientific conference on organic farming

The 17th Scientific Conference on Organic Farming took place from March 5th to 8th, 2024 at the Justus Liebig University of Giessen (JLU). Under the motto...

Organic clover and alfalfa grass - slides and summary

The Austrian Working Group for Grassland and Livestock Industry has published new ÖAG information on the subject of organic clover and alfalfa grass - recommendations...

Forests in Climate Change - 61st Podcast

The Austrian forest in climate change - an outlook Almost half of Austria's land area is covered with forest. In addition to supplying raw materials...

Energy recovery through exchange scrubbers in the stable - 62nd Podcast

Eco-efficiency and emission reduction through exchange scrubbers in stables In cooperation with the University of Bonn, the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein T...

Clover and Alfalfa Grass - 60. Podcast

Field fodder - grassland in the field: all important aspects of culture from a plant growing perspective Field fodder stocks made from legumes and grasses...

Graded use in permanent grassland - 59th Podcast

Graded grassland use attempts to combine economy and biodiversity. It is not crucial to create a flower from every grassland...

Berkshire Pigs in Austria - 58th Podcast

Palate deluxe - the irresistible taste experience of Berkshire pork! One of the oldest pig breeds in Europe...

Organic pig farming in Austria - 56th Podcast

Around 3% of the pigs kept in Austria live on organic farms. This proportion seems small at first glance, but Austria is...

Dairy cattle breeds in fattening - 57th Podcast

Calves from our dairy breeds can be used sensibly in our own country. Simmental cattle, which make up around ¾ of all cattle in Austria, are a dual-purpose breed...

Sustainable food management through knowledge of agricultural animal husbandry

The job of food manager often forms the link between agriculture and consumers. It is of great importance to have well-founded...

Satellites support grassland management - 54th Podcast

Keep an eye on grassland yield and forage quality with satellites In Austria, grassland is the most important area in terms of area...

Innovations for existing pigsties - 53rd Podcast

For the well-being of animals and people - innovations for existing breeding and fattening stables for pigs in Austria. This is the motto of the project...

Climate Change and Wildlife - 55th Podcast

Climate change is affecting our wildlife populations - where are we headed? Rising temperatures and changing precipitation patterns are shifting...

Organic clover and alfalfa grass

The new ÖAG technical information “Organic clover and alfalfa grass” is ready. Clover and alfalfa grass are an integral part of agricultural crop rotation. In the...

European Champion of Environmental Sustainability - 52nd Podcast

Milk from Austria is the European champion in environmental compatibility In the FarmMilk project, knowledge workers from the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein with 344 ...

Application and further development of the FarmLife Welfare Index for cattle

Animal welfare and the labeling of agricultural products are becoming increasingly relevant to society. The one at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenst...

Merry Christmas and a happy 2024!

We would like to thank all of our partners, our employees, and...

Crossbred animals as mother cows - 49th Podcast

What are the benefits of cross-breeding animals as mother cows? In June 2023, Statistics Austria counted 157,992 suckler cows in Austria. Suckler cow farming would...

Ecosocial Forum – the platform for sustainable business - 48th Podcast

February 1, 2024 - Winter Conference - Grassland and Livestock Day 2024 in Raumberg-Gumpenstein The Ecosocial Forum was founded in 1992 as an independent platform...

State-of-the-art technology for cattle breeding - 2 greenfeed systems in operation - 47th Podcast

Research cooperation HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein and Rinderzucht Austria officially started with two GreenFeed systems In a large-scale...

Animal welfare and emissions reduction - (not) a contradiction - 46th Podcast

Animal welfare stable reduces emissions in the same way as exhaust air purification In what is Austria's largest research project to date in the pig emissions sector, ...

European Days 2023 - a review

Successful European Days Raumberg-Gumpenstein 2023 in Irdning - A look into the future with vision and innovation Under the motto "With vision and inn...

Soil water balance and climate change - 45th podcast

Influence of climate change on the soil water balance in grassland Higher air temperatures with sufficient precipitation can lead to a longer...

Conserving Livestock Biodiversity - 44th Podcast

What our gene pool can do for farm animals The diversity of our farm animals is in danger worldwide! By intensifying animal production...

Soil protection in climate change - 43rd Podcast

Our soil - the thin skin of the earth What is the state of soil health in Austria? Why is soil so important when it comes to climate...

Tips for keeping horses - 41st Podcast

Keeping horses fit for the climate - what should you take into account? When it comes to horse husbandry, heat waves not only make fodder production or pasture management more difficult...

Bio-Institute network hub

The HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein Bio-Institute is a network hub for research, teaching, advice and practice. So it took place again on September 28, 2023...

Tips for the existing poultry house - 38th Podcast

Making existing poultry houses climate-friendly Heat stress can be a major problem for poultry farming during the hot summer months...

Climate Change Adaptation Experiences - 37th Podcast

Climate change in agriculture - mountain farmer & managing director of Land creates life Hannes Royer in conversation Anyone who gets to know him will notice...

Drought: Minimize water loss in the field - 36th Podcast

Stabilizing yield fluctuations through optimal water use In many regions, years with normal yields are increasingly changing with losses...

Drought-tolerant grasses and herbs in grassland - 34th Podcast

Achieving more yields in dry locations through the right selection of seeds A high-performance permanent grassland stand that is adapted to the location...

Water Storage Creation Planning Tool - 33rd Podcast - the planning tool for pond dimensioning in Styria Carry out pond planning directly on the affected properties...

Fruit growing and climate change - 32nd podcast

The effects of climate change require massive adjustments in fruit growing. Climatic changes present Styrian fruit growing businesses with...

Viticulture and Climate Change - 31st Podcast

Climate change in viticulture - developments, strategies, perspectives Extreme weather events, higher temperatures, late frost, etc. - Also in viticulture...

Climate-fit agriculture - support from the Chamber of Agriculture - 29th podcast

Climate-fit agriculture – bringing adaptation strategies to the masses Many farmers have already thought about strategies and...

Grassland irrigation on an organic dairy farm in Lower Austria - 28th Podcast

This is how grassland irrigation works - a visit to the pioneering Strasser family in Lower Austria In 2004,...

Landscape is water producer - 27th Podcast

The landscape produces our water and protects the soil - or not! Our natural and cultural landscape is crucially responsible...

Parasites and climate change - what awaits us - 26th podcast

Is the parasite load changing as a result of climate change? Reports from recent years indicate an increased occurrence of non-native...

Digitalization as a tool in climate change - 25th podcast

How can innovative digital technologies make us more climate-fitter? Using modern methods of data collection and networking,...

New ÖAG information for agriculture - grazing young cattle

Optimal breeding is the prerequisite for healthy, productive and long-lived cattle. ...

Climate Change - Bird Protection and Agriculture - 24th Podcast

How do birds react to changes and what measures can promote bird diversity? Birds are specialists who respond to problems in...

New director of the institute “Animal, Technology and Environment” at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

On June 7, 2023, Dr. Birgit Heidinger was appointed head of the “Animal, Technology and Environment” Institute at the HBLFA by Federal Minister Totschnig...

Green roofs on stables - 23rd podcast

Green stable roofs - A contribution to climate adaptation, biodiversity promotion and animal welfare. Extensive green roofs are suitable for stable roofs,...

Ruminants and climate protection - no contradiction for us - 22nd podcast

Killing ruminants in Austria for climate protection? No, because neither effective nor necessary! Austria's mountains ensure agriculture in many...

OÖ LK President at the Bio-Institut

Franz Waldenberger visited the organic farming site in Lambach/Stadl-Paura and found out about research in the field of legumes. ...

Ensuring silage quality under higher temperatures - 21st Podcast

What can be done to ensure silage quality at higher temperatures? Higher temperatures increase the risk of mass/quality defects...

Acute basic feed shortage - react quickly - 20th podcast

A lack of basic feed can be a threat to your existence - how can you react to this? If it is clear that the food for the coming winter months will not be...

Grazing When It's Dry - 19th Podcast

What to pay attention to when grazing in dry conditions Special grazing management is required in locations at risk of drought. The plant population...

Seminar for teachers “Organic Agriculture”

The seminar for teachers will take place on Friday, November 17, 2023 in the seminar room at the Bioinstitut Moarhof. ...

HypoCaMot project – detecting milk fever early with the help of rumen motility

The current options for predicting milk fever (hypocalcemia) for individual animals are limited. Laboratory diagnostic parameters that ...

klimaaktiv Gold Award to HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

The HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein is committed to innovation and sustainability in research on the agriculture and food industry. ...

What can cattle breeding and feeding achieve? - 18th Podcast

What cattle breeding can achieve and what to pay attention to when feeding in hot weather. In cattle feeding, keeping and breeding, the topic of heat...

Climate protection in agriculture - 17th podcast

Approaches to solutions and assessments of climate protection measures in agriculture Climate protection is one of the greatest challenges of our time. D...

Europe Days 2023 - Together for European values

The European Days will take place at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein from November 24th - 25th, 2023. ...

Grassland consultants meeting at the Bio-Institut

On April 13, 2023, the meeting of the Austrian grassland organic consultants took place in the new organic institute building of the HBFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein at Moarhof...

Suggestions for business development - 16th podcast

Climate adaptation - Valuable suggestions for business development from Franz Sinabell The climate crisis, nutrition over time, the development...

Climate-fit grassland - 14th podcast

Through site-adapted management to create climate-friendly grassland, with more than 1.3 million hectares, grassland is by far the most important...

Heat stress in pig herds - 15th podcast

Heat stress in pig herds - effects and potential With regard to animal welfare and animal protection, cooling in the area of ​​breeding sows is...

New Head of Research and Innovation and Deputy Director

The Higher Federal Teaching and Research Institute Raumberg-Gumpenstein has with Priv. Doc. Dr. Andreas Steinwidder appoints new head of research and in...

Ensuring adequate water supply for cattle - 13th Podcast

Prevent heat stress in cattle through appropriate water supply Increasing heat waves in Central Europe require adapted management and suitable...

Alpine pasture management in transition - 12th podcast

Watch the spring and then quickly head to the Alpine pasture! The climate change that agriculture is clearly noticing on home farms is also taking place on...

Growing new crops in agriculture - 11th Podcast

Cultivation of new crops such as legumes and sweet potatoes In addition to increased resistance to drought and heat, the...

Completion of the project “Measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions”

The project report describes agronomic improvement options that can be used to continue food production in the agriculture sector.

Organic Enquete – Presentation of the Organic Action Program 2023+

The new organic action program 2023+ was presented as part of the Bio-Enquete 2022. The aim of the program is to continue Austria as the number one organic country...

75 years of research in Raumberg-Gumpenstein

On Friday, December 2nd, 2022, the celebrations for 75 years of research took place at the Higher Federal Teaching and Research Institute Raumberg-Gumpenstein...

EIP mountain dairy cattle – results on animal welfare potential

Small-scale mountain dairy farming, which is widespread in the Austrian Alpine region, faces major challenges. ...

Irrigation of grassland in the Alpine region - 10th podcast

Experiences with the irrigation of grassland in the Alpine region In South Tyrol there is a lot of experience with the use of irrigation systems in grassland farming...

Dairy cattle feeding in drought conditions - 09. Podcast

Rations rich in corn silage in dairy cattle feeding during drought. Dryness in summer is increasingly leading to crop failures in grassland. So...

The new climate-fit cattle barn - 08. Podcast

What you should definitely pay attention to when building a new cattle stable. The planning of a stable already determines whether the climate parameters...

German organic consultants – further training at the Organic Institute

At the beginning of October, around 20 Naturland consultants from Germany were guests at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein Organic Institute. The Naturland Association...

Converting existing cattle stables to make them climate-friendly - 07. Podcast

Measures for cattle stables Making our stables climate-friendly is the declared credo of the future. Only with optimal ventilation...

Podcast series: Climate change - how do I prepare on the farm?

In September, the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein launched a podcast series on the topic “How can I prepare for climate change on my farm?”

EIP project mountain dairy cattle

This EIP project was about the further development of husbandry systems for promising dairy farming in mountain areas - development...

Book publication “Practical Precision Livestock Farming”

As part of the "Pansens4" project, a book entitled "Practical Precision Livestock Farming. Hands-on experiences with PLF...

Location-appropriate agriculture - 06. Podcast

Resilience in business management - Agriculture appropriate to the location The sum of risks for agricultural businesses is increasing noticeably. Ver...

How alpine farming affects carcass quality

The word “Alm” has a very good image, which is why in Austria they are trying to promote and promote Alpine products such as milk and meat more...

Open position as a test technician at the Bio-Institut

In the area of ​​the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management, HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein, Raumberg 38, 8952 Irdning...

Review of the 1U class on Science Day

As part of the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein, we were able to visit the Gumpenstein research area on June 29th, 2022 and experience the Science Day. ...

Research up close – Science Week in Raumberg

For the 3rd grades of HLBLA St. Florian, “Science Week” was an impressive end to the school year - science and research...

Raumberg-Gumpenstein farm animal protection conference

This year's Raumberg-Gumpenstein farm animal protection conference took place on May 18, 2022. ...

Valuable results for mountain companies

Small farms in disadvantaged mountain areas make a valuable contribution to preserving the cultural landscape and food supply...

Full house - mountain dairy cattle conference - review

Small-scale mountain dairy farming faces major challenges. As part of the mountain dairy cattle conference at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstei...

Job advertisement: Agricultural skilled worker - Bioinstitut Trautenfels

In the area of ​​the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Regions and Tourism, HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein, Raumberg 38, 8952 Irdning-Donnersbachtal, g...

Life farm4more - Meeting

On May 10th and 11th, the farm4more project team met at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein to discuss the results and strategies in the ongoing life project...

Save concentrated feed with your brains

High concentrate feed costs are currently increasing the desire of many cattle farmers to feed less of it. ...

Podcast2go for the EU Life project Farm4More

On the move in the largest agricultural research center in Austria...

klimaaktiv Gold - building standard for the organic institute building

Climate-active building and renovation stands for energy efficiency, ecological quality, comfort and quality of execution. To ensure the quality of a building...

Additional organic bull recommendations on our homepage

The Organic Institute of the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein has been bundling the breeding bull recommendations for organic dairy farms and...

EIP – grazing project started

The starting signal for the EIP project “Pasture Innovations” was given at the end of March, just in time for the start of grazing. The results of the project are intended for...

Conference for Organic Agriculture 2022

The specialist conference for organic agriculture will take place at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein on Thursday, November 10, 2022. ...

EIP project mountain dairy cattle conference

Topic: Results on innovative stable buildings and alternatives on the mountain...

Eco-efficiency of dairy farms in the Mur and Mürztal

In 2021, the research group “Eco-Efficiency of Agricultural Production Systems” developed a new methodological concept for eco-efficiency assessment...

New ÖAG brochure: Getting started with pasture farming - tips and tricks for success

The “Organic Agriculture” specialist group, under the leadership of Priv.-Doz. Dr. Andreas Steinwidder the specialist information 1/2022 on the topic “...

Compact pasture knowledge – from A for cultivation to Z for fence

This year's LANDWIRT online cattle specialist day starts under this motto on Tuesday, February 22nd, 2022. ...

Online - Get fit! Which grazing systems and grazing strategies are possible?

In recent years, grazing has become increasingly important again on the market and on farms in Austria. At the Bio-Institute of the HBLFA R...

Video – Farm4More Life Project – This is being researched

Climate change and the increasing demand for animal foods are major challenges for the earth and humanity. The agriculture...

Award for apprentice Florian Kern

During his training as an agricultural skilled worker at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein, Florian Kern was part of the "Institute for Organic Agriculture...

Job advertisement: Agricultural skilled worker

At the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein, Bio-Institut am Moarhof, the position of an agricultural skilled worker will be available as of December 1st, 2021 in accordance...

Strategies for climate-adapted grassland stocks - 05. Podcast

Management and plant populations are changing: increasing temperatures, longer growing seasons, increasing drought stress, becoming more frequent...

Food reserves - lack of food - 04. Podcast

Countering feed shortages with supplies and reducing losses Due to weather extremes such as drought, flooding and hailstorms...

Climate Change - Adjusting Fertilization - 03. Podcast

What can fertilization technology achieve? However, due to climatic changes, the duration of hot and dry periods is increasing...

Fattening of cross-bred dairy breed×meat breed cattle in grassland

Calf transports abroad and veal imports are strongly present in agricultural, media and social discussions. In the...

Experience agriculture at the Grassland and Livestock Day 2021

Experience agriculture, technology and innovation at the Grassland and Livestock Day 2021 on September 17, 2021 at the Bio-Institut Trautenfels der H...

WEB SEMINAR “Organic cattle breeding – where to go?”

Organic dairy farming faces particular challenges in breeding. Fewer and fewer breeding bulls still fit on organic farms, at the same time...

Effect of once-daily milking and concentrated feed around birth on the energy balance of cows

When feeding dairy cows, the animals' energy needs must be met as best as possible. The body substance represents a certain “closeness”...

Klimaaktiv Prize for the organic institute building of the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

Climate-active building and renovation stands for energy efficiency, ecological quality, comfort and quality of execution. To ensure the quality of a building...

Servus TV reports on research – “The perfect pasture”

The science program “PM Wissen” on Servus TV in prime time on July 8, 2021 provided an insight into pasture research at the Bio-Institut d...

Children’s animal protection conference – “Animal protection sets a precedent”

The children's animal protection conference, which was initiated by the state of Styria and carried out in collaboration with the association "Tierschutz macht Schule"...

People and animals at the center of the new EU organic regulation: specialist event on animal husbandry and pasture management in organic farming

On June 9th and 10th, the Europe-wide online conference on the topic of animal husbandry and pasture management in organic farming took place, organized by the network...

People and animals at the center of the new EU organic regulation: specialist event on animal husbandry and pasture management in organic farming

On June 9th and 10th, the Europe-wide online conference on the topic of animal husbandry and pasture management in organic farming took place, organized by the network...

People and animals at the center of the new EU organic regulation: specialist event on animal husbandry and pasture management in organic farming

ONLINE seminar - specialist conference on animal husbandry and pasture management in organic farming ...

School meets research - student day at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

As part of the International Grassland and Livestock Day 2021, the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein is offering the agricultural...

New ÖAG Info - Fertility and health care on suckler cow farms

In addition to keeping and feeding, regular animal observation and professional health care are the basis for optimal animal health...

Practical information - fertility and health care on suckler cow farms

In addition to keeping and feeding, regular animal observation and professional health care are the basis for optimal animal health...

New employee in the Thalheim - Wels branch

On April 1, 2021, Sarah Massak-Bachbauer took over responsibility for administration at the Thalheim branch as maternity leave replacement for Stefanie Mair...

New eco-efficiency assessment developed

The research group “Ecoefficiency of Agricultural Production Systems” has been working for many years as part of interdisciplinary research...

Mob grazing - a pasture strategy against drought

Dry summer months and heat are challenges that pasture-based businesses face every year. ...

Agricultural skilled worker wanted

As part of the EU project “Farm4More”, the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein is recruiting a skilled agricultural worker for two years as a col...

Special features of the energy supply for pasture cows

Lecture by Priv.-Doz. Dr. Andreas Steinwidder at the ZAR Conference 2021 Pasture-based dairy farming relies on simplifying production...

“Green beef” wins

Meat consumption is changing. The demand for beef with the highest comprehensive quality is increasing. Here the most natural form – the...

ORGANIC agriculture is growing

The figures for 2020 on organic farms and organic areas are available. ...

Effects of short grass or paddock grazing of dairy cows on individual animal or area performance

Pasture farming has become more important in recent years; in organic farming it is of central importance and imperative...

Effects of short grass or paddock grazing of dairy cows on individual animal or area performance

Pasture farming has become more important in recent years; in organic farming it is of central importance and imperative...

Influence of delayed concentrate feed supply and once-daily milking around calving on organic dairy cows

Project goal: In dairy cows, a significant lack of energy can have negative effects on performance and health. The aim of the study was...

Development of an animal welfare assessment system for implementation in the farm management tool FarmLife

The topic of animal welfare is becoming more and more important in agriculture but also in social discussions both nationally and internationally...

Organic breeding that goes further

They should get old, use the feed well, be suitable for grazing and fit in with the farm - cows on an organic farm. ...

Branded meat from the alpine pastures – survey of alpine farms

A new branded meat program for alpine products is being developed - the opinion of the alpine farmers is now being sought...

Mob Grazing - A Dryland Grazing Strategy

Dry summer months and heat are challenges that pasture-based businesses face every year. ...

Web conference: Austrian conference for organic agriculture

Organic conference proceedings – written report on the lectures...

Studies on fattening and slaughter performance as well as meat quality and environmental impacts of Alpine cattle and lambs from Austria

In Austria, around 300,000 cattle and 115,000 sheep spend the summer on the mountain pastures every year. There are currently a few branded meat programs...

Added value of fattened beef cattle and lambs

In Austria, around 300,000 cattle and 115,000 sheep spend the summer on the mountain pastures every year. There are currently a few branded meat programs...

Future agriculture and life

On September 30, 2020, the daily newspaper Kurier also contained a multi-page supplement with the promising title “Future Agriculture and Life”...

Organic pig farming at our Moarhof teaching and research farm

Our free-range pigs eating the natural autumn fattening, the tasty acorns. ...

Web conference: Austrian conference for organic agriculture

The Austrian Conference for Organic Agriculture will take place as a web conference....

Climate Change - It's the Soil that Matters - 02. Podcast

Stay on the ground The ground is our basis of life. The temperature-related increase in the evaporation of water stored in the soil, the increased...

Climate Change - What will happen to our agriculture - 01. Podcast

What’s next for Austrian agriculture? The global climate is changing significantly. Farming businesses in particular are affected by the increasing...

Will local agriculture save conventional family businesses from extinction?

Applied research bears responsibility for stakeholders. In this sense, the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein is associated with the farms in Austria...

Mixed grazing systems

Many pasture farms successfully implement mixed systems adapted to their grazing management. ...

Desire for pasture

Pasture farming is becoming increasingly important again in Austria; it is a basic requirement in organic farming. The HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstei...

Austrian mountain dairy farms in focus

The management of green spaces in mountainous regions is invaluable. After all, this is also a guarantee...

Valuable fatty acids in cow's milk

In a recent study, high levels of nutritionally valuable fatty acids were found in cow's milk samples from practical farms. V...

Berkshire - the “Kobe beef” among pigs

In Austria, the Berkshire pig breed, which is considered the oldest breed in Great Britain, is relatively unknown. The name derives from the county...

Short grass pasture – the height decides

Short-grass pasture has become significantly more widespread in favored grazing areas in recent years. It is used throughout the entire growing season with targeted...

Milk fat quality is becoming more important

The milk fat composition is of particular importance for human nutrition. At the Bio-Institute of the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein...

EU Life project “farm4more”

Farm4More – Future Agricultural Management for multiple outputs on climate and rural development ...

Videos of specialist lectures at the 2019 organic conference

The HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein Organic Institute was able to welcome more than two hundred interested conference participants from...

EIP project mountain dairy cattle started to support mountain businesses

Small-scale mountain dairy farming faces major challenges. The economic situation is tense and restructuring measures are required...

Significance of milk ingredients and blood parameters in cows

Feeding appropriate to ruminants and adequate energy supply are the basis for good fertility performance. What meaningfulness...

Minimize pressure to perform

New research project started at the Bio-Institut In the first few weeks after calving, dairy cows, depending on their performance and feed intake...

Biodiversity - use land or increase diversity?

As part of the ÖPUL measure, many farmers have committed to creating biodiversity areas in grassland. An international study...

Individual life cycle assessment of agricultural businesses in Austria

Farmers are increasingly confronted with questions about resource consumption and the environmental impact of their production systems. Both aspects are closely...

Flower meadow and dock?

This project is intended to provide instructions for the implementation of graduated meadow construction at the farm level for advice and interested parties...

Graded use in organic grassland

The graduated use of permanent grassland is a management method that improves both the economic viability and yield security of the business, as well as...

Scientific basis for eco-efficiency

Eco-efficiency expresses the relationship between environmental impact/resource consumption and the economic value of a production process...

Influence of ration composition on the mid-infrared spectrum of cow's milk

As part of the scientific work, the influence of ration composition on the mid-infrared spectrum of cow's milk is to be investigated on a broad...

Influence of a change in feed on the mid-infrared spectrum of cow's milk

Mid infrared (MIR) spectra are currently used to analyze the classic milk ingredients as part of the periodic milk production monitoring of cows...

System comparison - influence of full pasture or stable feeding on milk production in the mountain areas of Austria

Efficient use of land and cost-effective production are the basis for economical dairy farming. The project will therefore involve two...

Strategies for reducing the use of concentrated feed in organic dairy farms in the mountain areas of Austria

In an implementation-oriented research project, strategies are to be developed and implemented that lead to a targeted reduction and minimization...

Influence of the physical structure of grass silage

  The project aims to investigate the influence of the particle length of grass silage on feeding and rumination behavior, rumen physiology and feed intake...

Influence of day and night grazing on the green fodder intake of dairy cows

Experiences and results of the research project BAL 12 01/98 (influence of pasture or stable keeping on green fodder intake) showed that climatic...

Whole milk calf fattening based on acidified yoghurt drink or fresh warm whole milk with or without iron supplementation

When fattening calves with whole milk, warm drinking methods are usually used. The whole milk must be at temperatures of 35 to 39 °C...

Pasture transition feeding - Studies on the pH value and temperature of the forestomach contents of dairy cows when switching from stable to full pasture farming

Optimal forestomach fermentation conditions are of central importance for ruminants. The level or daily changes in the pH value...

Studies on the suitability of cows of different genetic origins for low-input milk production - part of the EU project SOLID

Low-input dairy farming aims for efficient, forage- and pasture-based milk production. At the organic teaching and research facility...

Studies on full-grazing dairy cows under alpine production conditions

In dairy farming, regions with full pasture farming (New Zealand, Australia, Ireland) are characterized by a high competitiveness of the milk prod...

Influence of a reduced concentrate supply on the performance of Simmental cows in organic dairy farming

In an implementation-oriented research project, the effects of concentrated feed-reduced organic dairy cattle feeding on annual milk yield, milk...

Influence of spring grazing on the plant population of cut meadows - implementation project “Organic grassland research and advice”

In practice, positive effects of early spring overgrazing on meadows that are usually used for cutting are reported. Due to the early...

Reduction of dock stock in polluted grassland areas through targeted pasture management

The dock rehabilitation of polluted grassland areas represents a major challenge in organic farming. In this short-term pr...

Studies on the timing of calving in dairy cows kept on full pasture

Influence of calving time on milk yield, nutrient supply as well as economic and ecological parameters...

Influence of the physical structure of grass silage on feeding and rumination behavior

In 2 experiments, with 6 adult rumen-fistulated cattle and 12 dairy cows, the influence of ...

Organic stable construction brochures

As part of a project by the Austrian Board of Trustees for Agricultural Technology and Rural Development (ÖKL), practical documents for the maintenance...

Influence of pasture or stable farming on green fodder intake

 In Austria, around half of the dairy cows are kept on pasture between May and October. ...

influence v. Ration design, category and genetics for weaned young cattle from suckler cow husbandry

Due to the decline in dairy cattle numbers, the number of suckler cows in grassland areas is increasing significantly. After weaning, some of the young cattle are...

Influence of protein and energy supply on the fattening and slaughter performance of Simmental cattle

Growth as well as carcass and meat quality as well as nutrient excretion and economic issues are examined in the bark...

Influence of ration design, category and genetics on weaned young cattle

A key aim of the project is to support farmers and cattle producer groups (producer association Styrian R...

Influence of protein supply on feed intake, milk production, rumen and blood parameters

The project aims to address questions about animal, product and environmentally friendly protein supply for dairy cows. ...

Short-grass grazing of dairy cows

As part of the scientific activity "Short grass grazing of dairy cows" two main areas were worked on: ...

Influence of protein and energy supply on the fattening and slaughter performance of Simmental cattle

In a 2-factorial experiment, 120 bulls of the Fleckvieh breed in the fattening range of 158-648 kg live mass were given different amounts of energy...

Influence of feeding intensity and ration design

In a cattle fattening trial with 81 Simmental cattle, the influence of ration design, gender (category) and final fattening mass on fattening performance was...

Influence of day and night grazing on the green fodder intake of dairy cows

Many experiments show that the cows consume more forage when grazing than when fed in stalls (see literature overview in MANUSCH et al. 1...

Use of whole milk in calf fattening for organic veal production

For more than 30 years, calf fattening has predominantly used milk replacer feed. ...

2301: GF III

Analysis of basic and concentrated feed according to the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System and the in-situ method

2348: SupGIS

GIS as a control and optimization system for sustainable food and energy supply

2355: Rumen sensor

Relationships between rumen pH and feeding and significance for animal health

2365: Veal color

Veal color in whole milk fattening - measures to prevent dark meat color

2368: ManureMulch

Optimization of manure fertilization on meadows by introducing additional organic materials

2370: PanSens II

Effect of different basic feed qualities on parameters of the rumen juice of cattle

2376: fattening bull_high

Bull fattening to high final fattening weights with different protein supplies in the final fattening - influence on daily weight gain, slaughter performance, meat quality and profitability

2377: KF Edelhof

Influence of a reduced concentrate supply on the performance of Simmental cows in organic dairy farming

2378: Vegdyn

Vegetation dynamics in regularly mown permanent meadows, litter meadows, fens and fallow grassland

2383: OrganicEarlyWeide

Influence of spring grazing on the plant population of cut meadows - exact experiment (implementation project “Organic grassland research and advice” by Dr. Steinwidder under Dafne 100692 already covered in the FJF)

2386: Farmlife

Individual life cycle assessment of agricultural businesses in Austria

2387: Genotype comparison

Studies on the suitability of cows of different genetic origins for low-input milk production - part of the EU project SOLID

2403: Cattle farming

Environmental technologies in cattle farming - establishing an international partner network

2409: System comparison

System comparison - influence of full pasture or stable feeding on milk production in the mountain areas of Austria

2415: TempSens

Relationships between forestomach temperature and internal body temperature in cattle

2433: BioOptiGL

Optimization strategies to increase the efficiency of organic permanent grassland operations

2437: PanSens4

Relationships between rumen pH and blood parameters in dairy cows depending on body condition in the peripartum period

2440: FarmLifeWF

Development of an animal welfare assessment system for implementation in the farm management tool FarmLife

2452: BioNaDü

Improving the productivity of organic meadows and pastures through regular reseeding and supplementary fertilization with phosphorus and sulfur

2913: Economy - Ox fattening

Influence of basic feed and feeding intensity on fattening and slaughter performance, meat quality and economic efficiency of fattening oxen and calves

2956: Protein supply - dairy cows

Influence of protein supply on feed intake, milk performance, rumen and blood parameters, animal health and N excretion of dairy cows

3486: WT: Meadow feed CNCPS in situ

Analysis of basic and concentrated feed according to the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System and the in-situ method for evaluating international energy and protein systems

3535: WT: Willow dock

Reduction of dock stock in polluted grassland areas through targeted pasture management

3567: WT: half-day pasture

Feed intake and milk production of dairy cows kept in stables or on part-time pasture with the aim of saving protein concentrates

3586: WT: milk fatty acid

Fatty acid patterns of Austrian alpine, full-grain and shelf milk as well as milk from intensive production

3587: WT: Spring pasture

Influence of spring grazing on the plant population of cut meadows - implementation project “Organic grassland research and advice”

3591: WT: ICT cattle

Comparative studies on different methods of measuring internal body temperature in cattle

3593: WT: Organic Miscanthus

Long-term monitoring of Miscanthus with regard to yield and population development under biological conditions in different climatic areas

3610: WT: pasture ph

Pasture transition feeding - Studies on the pH value and temperature of the forestomach contents of dairy cows when switching from stable to full pasture farming

3613: WT: calving pH

Studies on the influence of concentrate feed levels at the start of lactation on pH and temperature in the forestomach contents of cows of different genetic origins

3643: WT MIR ration

Influence of ration composition on the mid-infrared spectrum of cow's milk

3646: WT AMS pasture

Herd management on dairy cattle pastures using automatic milking systems (AMS) - surveys on practical farms in Austria

3651: WT FarmLifeApp

Practical application of the farm management tool “FarmLife” in the model region “Liezen District”