Podcasts :/> Agricultural Science - knowledge compact

Innovations for existing pigsties - 53rd Podcast

For the benefit of animals and people - innovations for existing breeding and fattening stables for pigs in Austria

Under this motto, the “IBeSt” project (innovations for existing breeding and fattening stables for pigs in Austria) was launched at the end of 2021. The aim is to convert existing conventional pigsties for rearing piglets and fattening pigs towards greater animal welfare and to derive best practice examples for conventional pig farming.

These conversion measures (“IBeSt pens”) are evaluated with regard to the effects on the pigs, but also on the economy, labor management and the environmental impact (emissions). Eight fattening and seven piglet rearing farms from Upper Austria, Lower Austria, Styria and Carinthia are taking part in the project. The fattening pig research barn at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein is also part of the project.



 (C) HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

Individual packages of measures are implemented in each of the companies in the following areas:

  • more space per animal
  • larger groups by combining pens
  • Establishment of a lying area on at least a third of the bay area with a maximum of 10% perforation
  • Stable cooling (fattening) or temperature zone formation (rearing)
  • improved employment material 

A special feature of this project is that, in addition to the animals, we also “look at people” . On the one hand, the managers of the practical farms continually exchange their experiences with the adapted stable. On the other hand, different topics are dealt with in workshops , such as a reflection on work processes in the company so that the boundaries between work and family do not become blurred; or a joint discussion of the topic of animal welfare and how one can create a constructive dialogue with different target groups.

Change, whether on the farm or in society, is seen as an ongoing learning and adaptation process that farmers actively help shape. 

Just listen or watch:

In conversation with Dr. Andreas Steinwidder tells Dr. Birgit Heidinger talks about the results of the IBeSt project ( Innovations for existing breeding and fattening stables for pigs in Austria) and passes on the current findings.


Further information

The project is financed by the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Regions and Water Management as well as the federal states. It is carried out in a unique cooperation between science (HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein, BOKU, University of Agricultural and Environmental Education, AGES, Messerli Research Institute) and practice (VÖS, Junge Veredler, practical companies). This is done with the intensive involvement of advice (chambers of agriculture, LSB team & trainers), the Austrian stable construction industry and agricultural communication experts (AMA Marketing, Land creates life association, Die Esserwisser association). The IBeSt project is scheduled to be completed at the end of 2025 and was completed at the end of 2023 expanded to include the IBeSt+ project - ongoing news and project-related information can be found on the project homepages as well as Instagram and Facebook:

IBeSt on facebook / instagram:
Photos from the project


Stone Aries Andreas, Priv. Doc. Dr.

Priv. Doc. Dr. Andreas Steinwidder

Head of Research & Innovation
Heidinger Birgit, Dr

Dr. Birgit Heidinger

Head of Institute for Animals, Technology and Environment

Research documentation


Innovations for existing breeding and fattening stables for pigs in Austria – for the benefit of animals and people

Heidinger Birgit (2021 - 2025)


Evaluation of Austrian pig fattening stables with different husbandry systems with regard to animal welfare and economics

Heidinger Birgit (2023 - 2026)
HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein