Plant cultivation specialist videos

    The work at the Institute for Plant Production & Cultural Landscapes is not only diverse, but also very complex.

    In order to explain and illustrate the individual work steps as well as possible, we have created short videos that are intended to ensure better understanding.

    The videos last from a few seconds to a few minutes, and the tension spans the projects and tasks of the three departments “Vegetation Management”, “Grassland Management” and “Environmental Ecology”.




    Working around the Climgrass project

    Working around the Climgrass project

    With the help of the ClimGrass project, the influence of rising temperatures, increased CO2 concentrations and dry phases on the grassland ecosystem is examined and illustrated using the example of a permanent meadow. For more information about...
    The many advantages of a green roof

    The many advantages of a green roof

    Green roofs help to connect living spaces. They regulate the climate and store water. Extensive green roofs are suitable for stable roofs and hall roofs on farms, as they do not require any additional...
    Beautiful iris meadows

    Beautiful iris meadows

    Iris meadows with the Siberian iris and star daffodil as key species not only have a very high landscape aesthetic value, but also a nature conservation value. The diversity of plant species is very high in such meadows, including...
    Manual work related to our experiments

    Manual work related to our experiments

    Our employees are busy preparing, maintaining and following up on our numerous experiments throughout the year. In the following short videos we present you the individual work steps:
    Seed cleaning - how does it work?

    Seed cleaning - how does it work?

    During seed cleaning, the litter is separated from the seeds. This is done in several steps and with a wide variety of machines. However, before this work is carried out, the seeds must be dried:
    Germination ability of seeds

    Germination ability of seeds

    In the purity laboratory, the seeds are examined for their germination ability. The individual work steps are explained by the two test supervisors, Maria Atzlinger and Margret Schwab.