Research projects

EIP project mountain dairy cattle started to support mountain businesses

Ofner-Schröck Elfriede, Dr

Dr. Elfriede Ofner-Schröck

Head of Institute for Organic Agriculture & Livestock Biodiversity
Stone Aries Andreas, Priv. Doc. Dr.

Priv. Doc. Dr. Andreas Steinwidder

Head of Research & Innovation

Small-scale mountain dairy farming faces major challenges. The economic situation is tense and the required conversion measures towards year-round freestall or exercise stable systems are increasing the pressure on many companies and creating uncertainty.
In the EIP project “Mountain Dairy Cattle”, innovative stable conversion solutions specifically for small mountain farms are developed, comprehensively evaluated and documented. In addition, alternative business development strategies are also being developed if mountain dairy farming is abandoned. The LK-Österreich (DDI S. Schindecker) and the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein (Priv.Doz. Dr. A. Steinwidder) bring together many project partners as project managers.

The project is intended to make an important contribution to supporting small farmers in disadvantaged areas in order to maintain the multifunctionality of mountain agriculture.
An important aspect is the discourse with partners along the value chain. At the stakeholder workshop on July 4, 2019 in Innsbruck, the project was presented and the challenges, strategies and opportunities were discussed with the interest groups.

Employees in the project core team and LK presidents (from left to right): Hechenberger J. (Pr. LK-T), Karoshi M. (LK-ST), Zentner A. - iV Pöllinger A. (HBLFA RG), Schindecker S. (LK-Ö), Steinwidder A. (HBLFA RG), Edler V. (BIO AUSTRIA), Moosbrugger J. (Pr. LK-Ö), Ofner-Schröck E. (HBLFA RG), Breininger W. (LK -ST)

Photo – mountain dairy cattle project: project team + LK-Pr. Tyrol and LKÖ President Austria
Photo rights and source : LK-Tirol

Employees in the project core team and LK presidents

Employees in the project core team and LK presidents

 LK Tyrol


Animal welfare and emission potential assessment of innovative husbandry systems on dairy farms in mountain areas

Ofner-Schröck Elfriede (2019 - 2022)
Institute 3 - Animal, Technology Environment, Institute 4 - Organic