boarding school

boarding school

Student dormitory

Being a HOME for our students represents a big challenge for us social educators in the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein student HOME. The boys and girls, who come from all federal states in Austria, should be able to feel like they are HOME. In order to meet this high standard, numerous structural changes have been made in recent years. In connection with this, our motto – “Education through relationships” – was formulated and implemented as the most important educational goal.


Raumberg has always been a home school. A lot has happened over the years in looking after students in their free time - as in all other areas of the school community. In the early years, in addition to their teaching work, the teachers had to do supervisory duty on a rotating basis (1 week on duty). A kind of “one man show”, the supervision of the students is now a teamwork of 12 educators, which is supported by some teacher educators in the form of evening shifts.

Education through relationships

No one alone can ever meet the diverse demands of our time and the demands of our students. Young people are, so to speak, a “mirror of society” and examples of how our coexistence has changed in the last few decades. Of course, the demands on the educator team have also become more extensive and diverse. In small groups of around 30 students - each class has its own teacher, at least in the first three years - relationship work is carried out, meaningful leisure activities are provided, encouraged, challenged, learning assistance and learning support are offered and organized in order to ensure academic success secure.

Social skills

Living together in such a large house requires consideration, assertiveness, willingness to compromise and persuasiveness. These are all characteristics that can be summarized under the term “social competence”. As part of numerous school events (balls, concerts, sporting competitions...), the young people can test and apply these strengths again and again.

Extensive leisure activities

Thanks to the commitment of many, it has been possible to consistently expand the range of leisure facilities in recent years. According to the saying that “a healthy mind only lives in a healthy body”, sport at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein has always been of great importance. The range of sports on offer ranges from the use of the gymnasium and sports field in your free time, rental mountain bikes, short carvers, sledges, inline skaters, table tennis tables, "Wuzler", pool tables to the sports climbing wall in the gym and the fitness room in the basement.

But the boarding school also offers enough opportunities for leisure activities for young people who are less enthusiastic about sports. Those interested in art can discover and train their talents in the carving course, painting course, pottery making and jewelry design and present them in beautiful pieces.

Although our type of school does not provide for lessons in music education, the students are in the fortunate position of expressing their musicality as members of brass bands, folk music groups, guitar groups, in the school band or as singers in various school choir formations.

For us social educators, education through relationships is a balancing act with young people on their way to “finding themselves” and becoming “personalities”. In addition to this support as they “grow up,” they need guidelines and rules that make it easier for them to find their way, as well as a climate that - based on trust - includes mutual appreciation and respect for each other's personal values ​​and dignity. This is the only way students can acquire key qualifications such as communicative, social and organizational skills.

We strive to accompany and support you as professionally as possible.

The educator team

We are happy to answer any questions or suggestions

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