Extensive green roofs, green stable roofs
(C) HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein, A. Steinwidder

Green roofs on stables - 23rd podcast

(C) HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein, A. Steinwidder

Green roofs on stables - 23rd podcast

Green stable roofs - a contribution to climate adaptation, biodiversity promotion and animal welfare

Extensive green roofs are suitable for stable roofs, runs and hall roofs on farms, as these do not require any additional structural requirements. They keep you cool on hot days, protect you from the cold in winter and, if installed correctly, require little maintenance.

In this conversation by PD Dr. Andreas Steinwidder with Dr. Wilhelm Graiss addresses many topics, from the structural requirements to the selection and types of green roofs, to practical experiences with the installation and tips for maintaining extensive stable roof greening.



Here for you is the full conversation from our head of research and innovation, PD Dr. Andreas Steinwidder with Dr. Wilhelm Graiss on the topic of “Extensive stable roof greening - a contribution to climate adaptation, biodiversity promotion and animal welfare” in full length:

Further information:


Further documents: 

Handout: Green roofs on stables



Project manager

Stone Aries Andreas, Priv. Doc. Dr.

Priv. Doc. Dr. Andreas Steinwidder

Head of Research & Innovation


Graiss Wilhelm, Dr.

Dr. Wilhelm Graiss

Head of department

Research documentation


Inner Alpine roof greening - Extensive roof greening with seeds from inner Alpine origins

Graiss Wilhelm (2011 - 2014)