Research documentation


Suitability of different forage stocks for mob grazing under low-precipitation, continental climate conditions
Master's thesis at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences
Chapter \"Veal color in focus\" in LFI brochure \"Requirements for successful veal rose production\"
Rural training institute, Vienna
Review of DM losses in grass and field feed products in the phases of harvesting, preservation, storage, removal and feed presentation
78th ALVA Conference, Hotel Heffterhof, Salzburg 2024, 128-132
clover grass in crop rotation; Investment strategy - food production potential
Field day in Lambach
Results of grassland mixtures at the Harbich farm (Lower Austria) and the Gahleitner farm (Upper Austria)
Trials as part of the EIP pasture innovation
Latest news from organic grassland research
LK Tirol consultant training
Beef meat quality - short input
Discussion of possible EIP project "Beef meat quality"
Optimization of meadow use
Soil practitioner for grassland 2024; Bio Austria and LFI certificate course
The time is now! How we prepare our meadows and pastures for climate changes
Grassland Livestock Day
Make optimal use of pastures
Weidefachtaf LK Stmk
Management strategies for dryland forage areas
Pasture seminar LK NÖ, online
Addition of chicory and ribwort plantain to clover grass mixtures in the Pannonian climate region of Austria
17th Scientific Conference on Organic Farming 2024, Justus Liebing University Giessen
Ruminants in crop rotation for the efficient utilization of clover grass in the climatic area of ​​the Eastern Alpine foothills
17th Scientific Conference on Organic Farming 2024, Justus Liebing University Giessen
The potential of chickpeas for organic farming
Proceedings of the 17th Scientific Conference on Organic Farming 2024, Justus Liebing University Giessen,
Influence of different growth heights in paddock pastures on performance and worming of goats
EIP Seminar 2024


Dr. Andreas Bohner

Dr. Andreas Bohner

Environmental ecology
Ing. Eduard Zentner

Ing. Eduard Zentner

Animal husbandry systems, technology and emissions Irene Mösenbacher-Molterer Irene Mösenbacher-Molterer

Testing activity and test analysis
DI Alfred Pöllinger-Zierler

DI Alfred Pöllinger-Zierler

Domestic economy
Dr. Margit Velik

Dr. Margit Velik

Cattle fattening and product quality