sweet potato
(C) HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

Growing new crops in agriculture - 11th Podcast

(C) HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

Growing new crops in agriculture - 11th Podcast

Cultivation of new crops such as legumes and sweet potatoes

In addition to increased resistance to drought and heat, changing eating habits open up an opportunity for new cultures. Regional, plant-based foods in particular, such as legumes and sweet potatoes, are new sources of income.


Increasing plant-based nutrition means changing agricultural production. Less need for feed allows for more extensive farming. Crops managed in this way, such as legumes, are more stable in the face of fluctuating influences. They can be cultivated well in less productive locations, produce good yields and thus contribute to an efficient food supply. Sweet potatoes can also make a larger contribution here in the future.

The resulting questions are discussed by Dr. Andreas Steinwidder in this podcast with the head of our branch office for organic farming in Lambach, DI Daniel Lehner.

Here you can watch the full conversation on the topic of “cultivation of new crops such as legumes and sweet potatoes”:


Further documents: 


Handout: Growing new crops such as legumes and sweet potatoes





Project manager

Stone Aries Andreas, Priv. Doc. Dr.

Priv. Doc. Dr. Andreas Steinwidder

Head of Research & Innovation


Lehner Daniel, DI

DI Daniel Lehner

Organic food crops in agriculture

Research documentation


Research to promote and improve the cultivation and cultivation techniques of traditional and new crops and species for direct use as food

Lehner Daniel (2021 - 2025)