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Hoof care course

In the spring of the 2020/21 school year there will again be a hoof care course for all interested students at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein.

This is planned and held in cooperation with hoof care expert Robert Pesenhofer from european hoofcare. The aim is to offer Raumberg students the opportunity to complete the basic certificate course as part of their school education.


Carriage driving course

Carriage driving courses will also be offered in the spring. The minimum age of participants is 16 years. The course is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. One- and two-horse driving is taught in Achenbach. After successfully completing the test by external examiners, the participants are entitled to drive a carriage team (up to two carriages) on public roads.



Luidold Franz, Ing.

Luidold Franz, Ing.

General education

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