EIP project mountain dairy cattle

This EIP project was about the further development of husbandry systems for promising dairy farming in mountain areas - development, evaluation and documentation of site-adapted solutions as a basis for sustainable business consulting concepts.

The aim of the EIP project Mountain Dairy Cattle was to find innovative structural solutions for dairy cattle stables as well as future-oriented alternative business development strategies for grassland farms in mountain areas.

Image cow in the playpen

Image cow in the playpen

 (C) HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

Small-scale mountain dairy farming faces major challenges. In a large EIP project “Mountain Dairy Cattle”, innovative stable conversion solutions specifically for small mountain farms were developed, comprehensively evaluated and documented. In addition, alternative business development strategies were also developed when mountain dairy farming was abandoned. The project is intended to make an important contribution to supporting small farmers in disadvantaged areas in order to maintain the multifunctionality of mountain agriculture.

In the project, which was led by the Austrian Chamber of Agriculture and the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein, BIO AUSTRIA, the regional chambers of agriculture, the ÖKL, the BOKU, the Tirol-Milch and the Obersteirische Molkerei as well as 42 practical companies from the mountain area worked together. The aim was to find innovative structural solutions for dairy cattle stables as well as forward-looking alternative business development strategies for grassland farms in mountain areas.

In the course of the project, a total of 32 innovative barn conversion solutions for small dairy farms in mountain areas were collected, developed and documented. In addition, an assessment was carried out regarding construction costs, animal welfare, emissions and sustainability criteria. The results show tailor-made solutions for mining operations in structurally difficult and economically challenging situations. Many of the implemented and well-documented details and structural options will significantly support future stable planning.

In addition, the project also worked on business development strategies, which could represent an economical alternative to grassland management if mountain dairy farming was abandoned. For this purpose, a survey was carried out on 10 converting farms that documented the before/after situation. The range of alternatives here ranged from mountain vegetable farming to mountain hay preparation for small animals.

The results of the ongoing project can already be accessed project homepage The two extensive advisory brochures (“Innovative Building on the Mountain” - 124 color pages; “Alternatives to dairy farming” - 40 pages) are also available to download free of charge from the project homepage. A printed version of the brochures is available from the Austrian Chamber of Agriculture (Ms. Anna Schreiner: Tel. 0043 1/53441-8533 or email, against payment of postage costs.



Stone Aries Andreas, Priv. Doc. Dr.

Priv. Doc. Dr. Andreas Steinwidder

Head of Research & Innovation
Ofner-Schröck Elfriede, Dr

Dr. Elfriede Ofner-Schröck

Head of Institute for Organic Agriculture & Livestock Biodiversity
Scherzer Edina, German

Yours Edina Scherzer

Scientific project assistant
Guggenberger Thomas, Dr.

Dr. Thomas Guggenberger, MSc

Head of the Institute for Livestock Research

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