Research projects

Studies on full-grazing dairy cows under alpine production conditions

Stone Aries Andreas, Priv. Doc. Dr.

Priv. Doc. Dr. Andreas Steinwidder

Head of Research & Innovation

In dairy farming, regions with full pasture farming (New Zealand, Australia, Ireland) are characterized by the high competitiveness of milk production.

In these countries, the aim is to consistently simplify production technology while making maximum use of natural grass growth (full pasture, seasonal spring calving) and minimizing the use of technology, auxiliary materials, purchased feed and also working time (='low input'). Milk production is based almost entirely on the company's own basic feed, the proportion of green fodder in the overall annual ration is very high (over 65%) and the amount of concentrate feed is minimal. As results from Switzerland show, an adapted full-grazing strategy can also be successfully implemented in favorable alpine grassland locations.

In the planned research project, a full pasture strategy 'adapted to the Austrian framework' for organic or conventional dairy farms is to be developed in collaboration with 6 practical agricultural businesses (in Carinthia, Styria and Lower Austria). The scientific project partners are working on the following subject areas: grassland farming, animal nutrition and animal health, milk production and milk quality, udder health, ecology and economics.
Through the cooperation of different experts as well as collaboration with organic associations and the ÖAG, the results should be implemented in practice as broadly as possible.

Cows on pasture

Cows on pasture

 HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein


National partners



Studies on full-grazing dairy cows under alpine production conditions

Stone ram Andreas (2005 - 2008)
Institute 4 - Bio