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  • Influence of spring grazing on the plant population of cut meadows - implementation project “Organic grassland research and advice”

Influence of spring grazing on the plant population of cut meadows - implementation project “Organic grassland research and advice”

Stone Aries Andreas, Priv. Doc. Dr.

Priv. Doc. Dr. Andreas Steinwidder

Head of Research & Innovation
Starz Walter, Dr.

Dr. Walter Starz

Organic grassland and agriculture

In practice, positive effects of early spring overgrazing on meadows that are usually used for cutting are reported. The early spring browsing of the grassland plants and the footsteps of cattle encourage the grasses to grow thicker. As a result, the plant population becomes denser and unwanted plants find less space.

These experiences will be systematically evaluated over the next few years in an implementation-oriented research project on 10-15 organic pilot farms in Austria. The organic grassland consultants work together with the Organic Institute of the LFZ Raumberg-Gumpenstein. The project partners hope to achieve an improvement in grassland stocks and forage quality through this method.

In scientific activity, the following hypotheses are tested:

  • By overgrazing cut meadows early in spring, the plant population of meadows can be positively controlled.
  • Spring grazing increases stock density.
  • Accompanying overseeding with meadow bluegrass increases the population density of valuable forage grasses.
Cows on pasture

Cows on pasture

 HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein


National partners



Influence of spring grazing on the plant population of cut meadows - implementation project “Organic grassland research and advice”

Stone ram Andreas (2011 - 2013)
Institute 4 - Bio