Additional organic bull recommendations on our homepage

    Additional organic bull recommendations on our homepage

    The HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein Organic Institute has been bundling the breeding bull recommendations for organic dairy farms for years and passing them on to the practice free of charge.

    From now on, the ÖTZ bull recommendations can also be accessed via the homepage.

    The non-profit Ökologie Tierzucht GmbH , which works in Germany, publishes insemination bull recommendations for organic dairy farms on the official breeding value estimation dates. The lists contain recommendations for currently available insemination bulls, which primarily stand out for their reliable inheritance and above-average longevity. Other criteria are chosen specifically for each breed and are explained in detail on the homepage.

    Current lists are currently being created for the breeds Holstein Holstein , Holstein Red Holstein and Fleckvieh (according to ÖZW). Others, for example for brown cattle and German black and white lowland cattle, will be added in the future. In addition, alternative recommendation lists are also being worked on, for example for companies that increasingly rely on Triple-A in mating.


    Here you can find all organic breeding stock recommendation lists from the Bio-Institut

    Here you can find ÖTZ information and recommendation lists



    Steinwidder Andreas, Priv.  Doz.  Dr.

    Priv. Doz. Dr. Andreas Steinwidder

    Head of Research & Innovation