Heat stress in pigs

Heat stress in pig herds - 15th podcast

Heat stress in pig herds - effects and potential

With regard to animal welfare and animal protection, cooling is now essential in the area of ​​breeding sows and fattening pigs. However, heat stress that occurs also has a negative impact on the economic component of livestock farming.



The podcast provides an insight into the technical possibilities, especially for existing buildings. It is definitely worth investing in tested and new technologies.

Here for you is the complete conversation with Ing. Irene Mösenbacher-Molterer and Ing. Eduard Zentner with Dr. Andreas Steinwidder on the topic of “Heat stress in pig herds - effects and potential” to watch:

Further documents: 

Project manager

Stone Aries Andreas, Priv. Doc. Dr.

Priv. Doc. Dr. Andreas Steinwidder

Head of Research & Innovation


Mösenbacher-Molterer Irene, Ing.in

Ing.in Irene Mösenbacher-Molterer

Animal husbandry systems, technology and emissions
Zentner Eduard, engineer, department head

Ing. Eduard Zentner

Animal husbandry systems, technology and emissions

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