Organic farming & biodiversity of farm animals

Organic agriculture is constantly evolving and is “the key technology” of the 21st century. The results of our work support strategies and management practices that promote soil fertility, biodiversity, health, regionality and quality. Through innovations, we contribute to sustainable agricultural development in the ecological, economic and social areas. Our research and implementation activities are based on the values ​​of organic farming.

Our goals

Our research and implementation results in organic grassland and livestock farming, arable farming, pig farming and animal health contribute to improving resource efficiency and sustainable development in the ecological, economic and social areas.

We represent the interests of Austria and the BML in the European Commission's Standing Committee for Organic Agriculture (VO (EC) No. 834/2007) and the "BIO" subcommittee of the Austrian Food Code (Codex alimentarius austriacus) in the best possible way.

In the area of ​​farm animal biodiversity, we act as a central hub for the conservation of rare farm animal breeds in Austria and as part of the international FAO network.

High priority is given to practical research and the comprehensive dissemination of the results (conferences, seminars, publications, etc.). We increase the effectiveness of our work through collaborative partnerships - the Bio-Institut is characterized by collaboration with national and international scientific colleagues, associations, official advisory bodies, teachers and farmers.

Resource efficiency - a cross-institutional focus

Limited natural resources can be put to better use through knowledge, experience and development. The rapid changes in the supply of energy and raw materials, the climate, water resources, fertile soil resources and also the further increase in the world population do not remain without consequences for agriculture.

In our research on organic agriculture, we rely on management methods that promote soil fertility, health, quality and sustainability and aim for agriculture that is as site-adapted as possible with minimized external and responsible use of resources.