Landscape as a water producer
(C) Federal Office for Water Management, Peter Strauss

Landscape is water producer - 27th Podcast

(C) Federal Office for Water Management, Peter Strauss

Landscape is water producer - 27th Podcast

The landscape produces our water and protects the soil - or not!

Our natural and cultural landscape is crucially responsible for the extent and quality of water available to us. As an “area manager”, agriculture thus makes an immense contribution to the water balance and water use of a region .

The challenges associated with the use of the landscape and therefore the availability of water have always been great. However, they changed significantly in the second half of the 20th century and thus led to major problems in the area of ​​soil protection , which is very closely linked to the water cycle. Keywords include soil erosion or soil compaction , but also the influence of climate change .

Some of these water challenges and possible solutions are discussed in the following interview by Dr. Andreas Steinwidder with the director of the Federal Office for Water Management Dr. Peter Strauss discussed. Listen or watch for yourself:



Here for you is the full conversation from our head of research and innovation, PD Dr. Andreas Steinwidder with Dr. Peter Strauss on the topic “Landscape produces our water and protects our soil - or not...” in full length:



A lot of additional information about water, the subject areas of water & soil, fish, hydraulic engineering and also courses can be found on the website of the Federal Office for Water Management . We thank you for the interesting conversation.

Further documents: 

Project manager

Stone Aries Andreas, Priv. Doc. Dr.

Priv. Doc. Dr. Andreas Steinwidder

Head of Research & Innovation


3252 Petzenkirchen, Pollnbergstrasse 1