school doctor

school doctor

I have been working as a school doctor at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein since 2013 and, in addition to the annual school examinations, I am the contact person for all matters relating to health and illness for students, parents and, of course, educators. In collaboration with my local colleagues, I also look after acutely ill students.

An important task is certainly to advise the school management when it comes to creating a healthy environment for the students in Raumberg. I also regularly work on health-related projects. Of course, my job also includes working with school psychology when crises and psychological problems arise.

As a “non-pedagogical” contact person who is of course subject to confidentiality, it is very important to me to provide the students with the best possible support and advice.

Jansenberger Marion, Dr. med.

Jansenberger Marion, Dr. med.

General education

School doctor Dr. Marion Jansenberger

School doctor Dr. Marion Jansenberger

 Photo: HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein/Leo Knauss