
Biodiversity in the Vineyard - 87th Podcast

Creation and maintenance of species-rich permanent greenery in vineyard lanes

Model region CLEAR! Ennstal Future Region - 86th Podcast

Tailor-made projects for communities and citizens to adapt to climate change

Phosphorus and sulfur fertilization on organic grassland 85. Podcast

For most organic grassland farms in Central Europe, the farm's own manure is the central source of nutrients.


Integrating arable land into grazing - 82nd Podcast

How can arable land be optimally used for grazing and what should be taken into account? The regulation for organic farming stipulates that arable land is also considered pasture for roughage consumers. Since organic farms in...

Solid metrics for solid decisions - 81st Podcast

How key figures help you to successfully develop your business Farmers are required to think entrepreneurially, to always be up to date, to make the right decisions and to protect themselves and their businesses...


Returnee Wolf – Challenges and Solutions - 80th Podcast

What does the return of wolves mean for livestock farming, hunting and society? The wolf is reclaiming former territories and presenting livestock farmers and other land managers with major challenges. What does the...

Herd, dog and shepherd on the mountain pasture - 79th podcast

Guided grazing management as a possible adaptation to current challenges in alpine farming Extensive grazing in the Alpine region is of great ecological, social and economic importance. Alpine pastures characterize our...

Landscape Conservation Fund Association - Preserving small farmers at Grundlsee - 78th Podcast

Crowdfunding for comprehensive agriculture on Grundlsee This podcast episode is all about the community of Grundlsee, where there are 23 committed farmers despite the declining number of livestock farms. We...

Organic cattle breeding - individual approaches instead of one-size-fits-all - 77th Podcast

Animals that are ideally suited to the business are my goal in cattle breeding. In this episode of “Agrar Science – Knowledge in Compact” Dr. Andreas Steinwidder with Diin Edina Scherzer about various aspects of cattle breeding. Ms. Scherzer is...

Educational concept - life cycle assessment of agricultural businesses - 76th podcast

Farm management tool "FarmLife" for the ecological assessment of agricultural operations The research group "Eco-Efficiency of Agricultural Operations" at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein, in cooperation with the research institute...

Bioeconomy - an opportunity for agriculture? - 75th Podcast

What is the bioeconomy and what opportunities arise for climate protection, resource use and the future of agriculture? Bioeconomy is an economic system that operates in harmony with the laws of nature and is based on circular,...


Caritas: Food is valuable - 74th Podcast

Don't waste valuable food - Caritas helps! The cost of living is rising sharply. The number of people who ask for food at Styrian food banks also increases. “We are seeing more and more people coming through the...

Red clover and alfalfa in cattle farming - 73rd Podcast

Recommendations for feeding cattle with red clover and alfalfa Clover and alfalfa are valuable plants - both on arable and grassland farms. They fit perfectly into the crop rotation and provide high-quality feed for...

Evaluating meat quality in beef - 83rd Podcast

Meat quality is more than the EUROP meat and fat class. In Austria and the EU, beef carcasses are assessed and paid for according to muscle fullness and fat content. Even though many people know that meat quality is more than that,...

Biodiversity and Agriculture - Common Solutions - 84th Podcast

What do we mean by biological diversity and what contribution does agriculture make? There are already many biodiversity-promoting measures that are being implemented in agriculture. The EU Renaturation Regulation is currently...

A world without livestock farming? - 72. Podcast

What developments can be expected in livestock farming? Livestock farming has been a central part of agriculture and our food supply for centuries. In view of global challenges such as climate change,...