Source: HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein/J. Gasteiner

Animals, technology and environment

The Institute for Animals, Technology and the Environment works on a wide range of specialist topics from agricultural animal husbandry, predominantly in the area of ​​monogastrids (pigs, poultry, horses). There is also a research stable for fattening pigs (for around 400 animals) as well as a flexible stable building for poultry farming (fattening, egg production) as well as a manure testing laboratory .

There is a close connection with agricultural practice: In this context, questions are often taken up directly from practice and dealt with in one's own stables, but also on and with practical farms (on-farm).

testing center certified by the Specialist Center for Animal-Friendly Animal Husbandry and Animal Welfare, the Institute for Animals, Technology and the Environment also carries out testing of new types of stable systems and husbandry technology for pigs, poultry and horses.

Research goals and areas of responsibility of the institute:

  • Scientific treatment of questions relating to agricultural stable construction, animal husbandry and stable technology
  • Scientific studies in the areas of animal welfare, stable climate and animal health
  • Recording, assessment and evaluation of emissions and immissions from animal husbandry as well as in the area of ​​indoor farming and along the manure chain
  • Analysis and assessment of new processes in interior mechanization
  • Investigation of manure additives for their effect on gaseous, environmentally relevant emissions, smell and consistency
  • Dealing with socio-economic, business and labor issues in agriculture
  • Scientific data processing and research on the process and efficiency of agricultural energy and material flows
  • Evaluation of agricultural policy measures with regard to socioeconomically and ecologically sustainable business development