Integrating arable land into grazing - 82nd Podcast

How can arable land be optimally used for grazing and what should be taken into account? The regulation for organic farming stipulates that arable land is also considered pasture for roughage consumers. Since organic farms in...


Solid metrics for solid decisions - 81st Podcast

How key figures help you to successfully develop your business Farmers are required to think entrepreneurially, to always be up to date, to make the right decisions and to protect themselves and their businesses...


Bioeconomy - an opportunity for agriculture? - 75th Podcast

What is the bioeconomy and what opportunities arise for climate protection, resource use and the future of agriculture? Bioeconomy is an economic system that operates in harmony with the laws of nature and is based on circular,...


Caritas: Food is valuable - 74th Podcast

Don't waste valuable food - Caritas helps! The cost of living is rising sharply. The number of people who ask for food at Styrian food banks also increases. “We are seeing more and more people coming through the...


Biodiversity and Agriculture - Common Solutions - 84th Podcast

What do we mean by biological diversity and what contribution does agriculture make? There are already many biodiversity-promoting measures that are being implemented in agriculture. The EU Renaturation Regulation is currently...


Evaluating meat quality in beef - 83rd Podcast

Meat quality is more than the EUROP meat and fat class. In Austria and the EU, beef carcasses are assessed and paid for according to muscle fullness and fat content. Even though many people know that meat quality is more than that,...


Red clover and alfalfa in cattle farming - 73rd Podcast

Recommendations for feeding cattle with red clover and alfalfa Clover and alfalfa are valuable plants - both on arable and grassland farms. They fit perfectly into the crop rotation and provide high-quality feed for...

A world without livestock farming? - 72. Podcast

What developments can be expected in livestock farming? Livestock farming has been a central part of agriculture and our food supply for centuries. In view of global challenges such as climate change,...

Alpine pasture management adapted to the location provides valuable ecosystem services - 71st Podcast

Important ecosystem services and their importance for biodiversity! Alpine pastures are very important in the Austrian mountain regions. Around 300,000 hectares of alpine pastures are cultivated, which accounts for over 10% of the agricultural...


“Vision 2028+” vision of the future for Austria’s agriculture and rural areas - 70th podcast

Where should Austrian agriculture develop? In this podcast episode we talk about the current challenges facing Austrian agriculture and rural areas: volatile markets, socio-economic...

Agricultural policy - a look behind the scenes - 69th Podcast

Almost weekly, new laws, regulations and guidelines are issued at national and international levels that affect farmers in their daily work. In the podcast episode you will find out which...

Growing rice in Austria - is it possible? - 68. Podcast

How can rice cultivation work sustainably in Austria? When we think of rice cultivation, we have images of flooded fields in our minds and we probably also think of regions in Asia. Today you will find out from us how rice is grown in...

Promoting animal health through optimal animal husbandry - 67th Podcast

Save costs and increase animal health - correct stable keeping and careful care make it possible! Animal-friendly husbandry conditions play a key role in animal health, animal welfare and performance. With...

Organic farming - actively tackling climate change - 66th Podcast

Effective measures for organic farming! The challenges in organic farming have changed. Research, for example on humus creation, which also helps organic farming, is increasing. Mechanical weed control takes place...


Horse hay - what needs to be taken into account - 65. Podcast

What is the feed quality of horse hay? The approximately 130,000 Austrian horses require around 200,000 t of horse hay every year. That's around 20% of Austria's total hay production. Due to the special sensitivity...

Experiences with low-emission animal welfare stables for pigs - 64th podcast

Agriculture and forestry generates eleven times more energy than it needs. Energy-fit farms know their energy consumption and take active measures to remain competitive despite rising energy costs. The local...

The role of agriculture in the energy transition - 63rd Podcast

Agriculture and forestry generates eleven times more energy than it needs. Energy-fit farms know their energy consumption and take active measures to remain competitive despite rising energy costs. The local...


Energy recovery through exchange scrubbers in the stable - 62nd Podcast

Eco-efficiency and emission reduction through exchange scrubbers in stables In cooperation with the University of Bonn, the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein was part of the research project “Use of the renewable energy source in an exhaust air purification system...

Forests in Climate Change - 61st Podcast

The Austrian forest in climate change - an outlook Almost half of Austria's land area is covered with forest. In addition to supplying raw materials, the forest provides other important ecological and social services...


Clover and Alfalfa Grass - 60. Podcast

Field fodder - grassland in the field: all important aspects of culture from a plant growing perspective. Field fodder stocks made from legumes and grasses are the basis of every balanced crop rotation and are part of it like the rest...

Graded use in permanent grassland - 59th Podcast

Graded grassland use attempts to combine economy and biodiversity. It is not crucial to turn all grassland areas into a flower meadow, but rather to achieve a high level of biodiversity throughout the entire farm....

Berkshire Pigs in Austria - 58th Podcast

Palate deluxe - the irresistible taste experience of Berkshire pork! The Berkshire pig, which is one of the oldest pig breeds in Europe, originally comes from England. This is a...

Dairy cattle breeds in fattening - 57th Podcast

Using calves from our dairy breeds sensibly in our own country. Simmental cattle, which make up around ¾ of all cattle in Austria, are a dual-purpose breed and are therefore popular both on Austrian dairy farms and among cattle fatteners....

Organic pig farming in Austria - 56th Podcast

Around 3% of the pigs kept in Austria live on organic farms. This proportion seems small at first glance, but Austria is in third place within the EU. Only in Denmark (3.7%) and France (3.8%,...


Satellites support grassland management - 54th Podcast

Keep an eye on grassland yield and feed quality with satellites In Austria, grassland is the most important crop in terms of area, covering 1.33 million hectares, and forms the feed base for 53,000 livestock farms. Yield and...

Innovations for existing pigsties - 53rd Podcast

For the well-being of animals and people - innovations for existing breeding and fattening stables for pigs in Austria This was the motto of the “IBeSt” project (innovations for existing breeding and fattening stables for pigs in...

European Champion of Environmental Sustainability - 52nd Podcast

Milk from Austria is the European champion in environmental compatibility In the FarmMilk project, knowledge workers from the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein have drawn up individual life cycle assessments with 344 dairy farms in Austria. This was made possible...

Dir. Erich Kerngast - Real Pictures of Agriculture - 51st Podcast

“We have to give people real images of agriculture.” The Grottenhof agricultural and forestry college is characterized by its special features. The organic school with an attached organic farm,...

Climate Change and Wildlife - 55th Podcast

Climate change is affecting our wildlife populations - where are we headed? Rising temperatures and changing rainfall patterns are shifting wildlife habitats. The availability of food is changing as plants and...


Dr. Josef Riegler - Ecosocial Market Economy - 50th Podcast

DI Dr. hc Josef Riegler “My life for a stable and correct balance of ecology, social issues and the economy” Josef Riegler, who grew up on a mountain farm in Styria, is a visionary. Through his tireless...

Crossbred animals as mother cows - 49th Podcast

What are the benefits of cross-breeding animals as mother cows? In June 2023, Statistics Austria counted 157,992 suckler cows in Austria. Suckler cow farming delivers excellent products and contributes significantly to a positive image of animal husbandry...

Ecosocial Forum – the platform for sustainable business - 48th Podcast

February 1, 2024 - Winter Conference - Grassland and Livestock Day 2024 in Raumberg-Gumpenstein The Ecosocial Forum was founded in 1992 as an independent platform for the further development of the ecosocial idea by DI Dr. hc. Josef Riegler founded...

State-of-the-art technology for cattle breeding - 2 greenfeed systems in operation - 47th Podcast

Research cooperation HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein and Rinderzucht Austria officially started with two GreenFeed systems. In a large-scale research project Breed4Green, led by Rinderzucht Austria,...

Animal welfare and emissions reduction - (not) a contradiction - 46th Podcast

Animal welfare stable reduces emissions analogous to exhaust air purification In the largest research project in Austria to date in the pig emissions sector, carried out via the EU's EIP-AGRI track, a new husbandry system based on animal welfare...


Conserving Livestock Biodiversity - 44th Podcast

What our gene pool can do for farm animals The diversity of our farm animals is in danger worldwide! Due to the intensification of animal production, specialized high-performance breeds are increasingly being bred that produce more milk, meat or...

Soil water balance and climate change - 45th podcast

Influence of climate change on the soil water balance in grassland. Higher air temperatures with sufficient rainfall can lead to a longer growing season and a gain in biomass. However, higher...

Soil protection in climate change - 43rd Podcast

Our soil - the thin skin of the earth What is the state of soil health in Austria? Why is soil so important when it comes to climate change? What is more and more attention being paid to in agriculture in Austria? Which...

Alternative Approaches to Vegetable Growing - 42nd Podcast

Growing vegetables in times of climate change - what should you consider? No matter whether you have a green thumb, are an (experienced) gardener, a consumer, a farmer: there is something inspiring for everyone here...

Tips for keeping horses - 41st Podcast

Keeping horses fit for the climate - what should you take into account? When it comes to horse husbandry, heat periods not only make feed production or pasture management more difficult, but higher temperatures also put a strain on the horses in stables. In the podcast episode...


In the center of Europe - Europe Days 2023 - 39th Podcast

LK President Franz Titschenbacher in conversation about the Europe Days 2023 The traditional Europe Days will take place at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein on Friday, November 24th and Saturday, November 25th, 2023. In the podcast conversation, LK President...

Rural Youth - Next Generation - 40th Podcast

From the region to Europe: What motivates our youth? What is important to young people? What accents does the largest youth organization in Austria set? Why are rural youth needed in Europe... and why should young people attend...

Tips for the existing poultry house - 38th Podcast

Making existing poultry houses climate-friendly Heat stress can become a major problem for the health and performance of the animals in poultry farming during the hot summer months. Feathered animals show few signs...


Climate Change Adaptation Experiences - 37th Podcast

Climate change in agriculture - mountain farmer & managing director of Land creates life Hannes Royer in conversation Anyone who gets to know him will immediately notice: Standstill is a foreign word for Hannes Royer. From the Alm to the business lunch,...

Drought: Minimize water loss in the field - 36th Podcast

Stabilizing yield fluctuations through optimal water use In many regions, years with normal yields are increasingly alternating with years of losses. The reason for this is usually extremely dry conditions caused by higher...

Climate Change Adaptation Experiences - 35th Podcast

Karl Neuhofer, chairman of the ARGE Heumilch with his experiences in adapting to climate change Karl Neuhofer has been the successful chairman of the ARGE Heumilch since 2004. He is considered an expert and thought leader in Austrian agriculture. Already at 20...

Drought-tolerant grasses and herbs in grassland - 34th Podcast

Achieving more yields on dry sites through the right selection of seeds A high-performance permanent grassland stand that is adapted to the location is one of the central foundations for a sustainable and economically successful...

Water Storage Creation Planning Tool - 33rd Podcast

Steirerteich.com - the planning tool for pond sizing in Styria Carrying out pond planning directly on the affected properties and having all relevant information available at the click of a mouse - this is the goal that the HBLFA have set themselves...


Fruit growing and climate change - 32nd podcast

The effects of climate change require massive adjustments in fruit growing. Climatic changes present Styrian fruit growing businesses with major challenges. Late frosts, prolonged periods of drought and heat waves have...

Viticulture and Climate Change - 31st Podcast

Climate change in viticulture - developments, strategies, perspectives Extreme weather events, higher temperatures, late frost, etc. - Climate change has also arrived in viticulture and is very present every year. The climate is changing and with it...

Climate-fit agriculture - support from the Chamber of Agriculture - 29th podcast

Climate-fit agriculture – bringing adaptation strategies to the masses Many farmers have already thought about strategies and are taking measures to adapt to the changing climatic conditions and their effects...


Rumen Sensor - Live from the Cow - 30th Podcast

November 16, 2022

Grassland irrigation on an organic dairy farm in Lower Austria - 28th Podcast

This is how grassland irrigation works - a visit to the pioneering Strasser family in Lower Austria In 2004, irrigation for the grassland was set up on the Strasser full-pasture dairy farm in Nöchling an der Donau...

Landscape is water producer - 27th Podcast

The landscape produces our water and protects the soil - or not! Our natural and cultural landscape is crucially responsible for the extent and quality of water available to us. The...

Parasites and climate change - what awaits us - 26th podcast

Is the parasite load changing as a result of climate change? Reports from recent years indicate an increased occurrence of non-native mosquitoes and insect species. Some of them can harbor pathogens and also...

Digitalization as a tool in climate change - 25th podcast

How can innovative digital technologies make us more climate-fitter? By using modern methods of data collection and networking, changes in climate and weather can be made tangible and therefore easier to understand....

Green roofs on stables - 23rd podcast

Green stable roofs - A contribution to climate adaptation, biodiversity promotion and animal welfare Extensive green roofs are suitable for stable roofs, runs and hall roofs on farms, as they are statically...

Acute basic feed shortage - react quickly - 20th podcast

A lack of basic feed can be a threat to your existence - how can you react to this? If it is clear that there will not be enough food for the coming winter months, a quick and targeted reaction must be made. There are medium and short term...

Grazing When It's Dry - 19th Podcast

What to pay attention to when grazing in dry conditions Special grazing management is required in locations at risk of drought. The plant population must not be too short and the plants and roots need more rest time. In this...

What can cattle breeding and feeding achieve? - 18th Podcast

What cattle breeding can achieve and what should be taken into account when feeding in hot weather In cattle feeding, husbandry and breeding, the issue of heat stress is receiving increasing attention globally. The husbandry environment always plays...

Climate protection in agriculture - 17th podcast

Approaches to solutions and assessments of climate protection measures in agriculture Climate protection is one of the greatest challenges of our time. Farms themselves are heavily affected by climate change; at the same time the...

Suggestions for business development - 16th podcast

Climate adaptation - Valuable suggestions for business development from Franz Sinabell The climate crisis, nutrition over time, the development of agricultural markets and product revenues, agricultural compensation payments, digitalization,...

Heat stress in pig herds - 15th podcast

Heat stress in pig herds - effects and potential With regard to animal welfare and animal protection, cooling is now essential in the area of ​​breeding sows and fattening pigs. However, heat stress that occurs has...

Climate-fit grassland - 14th podcast

Through site-adapted management to create climate-friendly grassland, with more than 1.3 million hectares, grassland is by far the most important crop in Austria in terms of area. The management options in grassland are crucial...

Ensuring adequate water supply for cattle - 13th Podcast

Prevent heat stress in cattle through appropriate water supply. Increasing heat waves in Central Europe make adapted management and suitable stable technology to avoid heat stress essential. It is particularly important...

Alpine pasture management in transition - 12th podcast

Watch the spring and then quickly head to the Alpine pasture! The climate change that agriculture is clearly feeling on the homesteads is also taking place in intensive form on the alpine pastures. In a long-term study between 1993 and 2018...

Growing new crops in agriculture - 11th Podcast

Cultivation of new crops such as legumes and sweet potatoes In addition to increased resistance to drought and heat, changing eating habits opens up an opportunity for new crops. Especially regional,...

Irrigation of grassland in the Alpine region - 10th podcast

Experiences with the irrigation of grassland in the Alpine region In South Tyrol there is a lot of experience with the use of irrigation systems in grassland farming. Due to climate change, the irrigation of meadows and pastures is also...

Climate Change - What will happen to our agriculture - 01. Podcast

What’s next for Austrian agriculture? The global climate is changing significantly. Farming businesses in particular are under massive strain due to the increasingly unpredictable weather conditions. The main reason for this is the increasing...

Climate Change - It's the Soil that Matters - 02. Podcast

Stay on the ground The ground is our basis of life. The temperature-related increase in the evaporation of water stored in the ground, the increased surface water runoff due to increased heavy rain events, too little snowmelt water...

Climate Change - Adjusting Fertilization - 03. Podcast

What can fertilization technology achieve? Due to climatic changes, the duration of heat and dry periods as well as heavy rain events are increasing. This means that - with normal fertilizer application - the time window for...

Food reserves - lack of food - 04. Podcast

Countering feed shortages with stocks and reducing losses Due to weather extremes such as drought, flooding and hailstorms, the farm's own basic feed is increasingly becoming scarce or running out early on livestock farms. The...

Location-appropriate agriculture - 06. Podcast

Resilience in business management - Agriculture appropriate to the location The sum of risks for agricultural businesses is increasing noticeably. Changes caused by climate change are compounded by global uncertainties...

The new climate-fit cattle barn - 08. Podcast

What is important to pay attention to when building a new cattle stable? The planning of a stable already determines whether the climate parameters will move in a positive direction. In the podcast, Ing. Eduard Zentner gives valuable tips on what to...

Dairy cattle feeding in drought conditions - 09. Podcast

Rations rich in corn silage in dairy cattle feeding during drought. Dryness in summer is increasingly leading to crop failures in grassland. Such reduced yields can be compensated for by silage maize, as it is less susceptible to...

7 Climate crisis forever?! - The energy transition

The previous part was about explaining greenhouse gases and reducing them and their radiation efficiency. Now, in the final part of the podcast series, it is strongly emphasized that we need an energy transition if we are to...

6 Climate crisis forever?! - A simulation into the future

We have to think about how we want to shape our future and how we can best save greenhouse gases. In this part of the podcast series, the proportions of the various greenhouse gases and the reduction paths are recorded...

5 Climate crisis forever?! - The effect wave

The greenhouse gases that have already been described in the previous parts of the podcast series also have different effects of different lengths. This is called their effect wave. CO2 will take over in the coming years, while...

3 Climate crisis forever?! - The reduction of greenhouse gases

The greenhouse gases CO2, N2O and CH4 take different amounts of time to break down because their extent is not the same. The most dramatic greenhouse gas of them is CO2. While CH4 and N2O can be broken down exponentially and more quickly,...

2 Climate crisis forever?! - The atmosphere

Austria has been trying to give people a better life for 150 years now, making the country one of the 15 most successful countries in the world. Once again, it is also one of the 15 countries that contribute the most to the climate crisis...

1 climate crisis forever?! - The introduction

In the first part, Dr. Thomas Guggenberger says that you can imagine the climate crisis in Austria like a tsunami wave with an enormous stretch of water behind it that has a lot of energy in it. The climate crisis is not developing...