European Days in Raumberg 2023
(c) HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein, M. Kogler

European Days 2023 - a review

(c) HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein, M. Kogler

European Days 2023 - a review

Successful European Days Raumberg-Gumpenstein 2023 in Irdning - A look into the future with vision and innovation

Under the motto "With vision and innovation towards a climate-friendly future", this year's European Days place on November 24th and 25th at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein. It is the responsibility of the organizational team around President Franz Titschenbacher , Director Johann Gasteiner, the chairman of the Raumberg-Seefeld Alumni Association Christian Obenaus, Dr. Elke Rüscher and Matthias Kandolf once again succeeded in bringing high-ranking speakers and discussants to the Ennstal. The two-day event was largely organized by the school's young people.

Ms. Bettina Zajac from ORF Steiermark moderated in a tried and tested manner through the wide variety of topics. The renowned television meteorologist Andreas Jäger clearly and pointedly illuminated the consequences of climate change and the trend researcher Franz Kühmayer introduced megatrends to our society . The other focal points were practical tips

Soil – Water – Air ”, “ Green Deal ”, “ Forest and Wood ”, “ Food – Sovereignty – Security ” and “ Energy Transition from the Perspective of the Political Parties were discussed intensively with the young people in small groups. The opportunities and challenges arising from artificial intelligence were presented by the Rector of Graz University of Technology, Horst Bischof, on the second day.

A particular highlight was the contribution by DI Dr. hc Josef Riegler. He presented the cornerstones of his eco-social market economy and the “Global Marshal Plan” (presentation below the pictures). As part of the conference, Josef Riegler, a former Raumberg student, was also congratulated on his 85th birthday and on his life's work with a wooden sculpture. Thoughts from Diocesan Bishop Hermann Glettler on a common Europe and an ecumenical devotion rounded off the conference.

The Irdninger farmers, students and the staff of the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein took care of the physical well-being - with regional delicacies The lectures and discussion contributions underline the importance of vision and innovation in a changing world. The Raumberg-Gumpenstein House once again offered an optimal platform for exchanging ideas.

We would like to thank everyone who contributed to the success of our European Days.

Here you can read the program again

Pictures from the Europe Days 2023


Article by Ing. Ulrich Ahamer ( ) in the Raiffeisenzeitung No. 48 from November 30, 2023

Download the article: Europatage_Raumberg_RZ_301123.pdf - thank you very much for making it available

2023 European Days Raumberg, Ulrich Ahamer -



Grimming Hall Raumberg