Podcasts :/> Agricultural Science - knowledge compact

Dairy cattle breeds in fattening - 57th Podcast

Use calves from our dairy breeds sensibly in our own country

Simmental cattle , which make up around ¾ of all cattle in Austria, are a dual-purpose breed and are therefore popular both on Austrian dairy farms and among cattle fatteners. Holstein Friesian , a dairy-focused breed with very high milk production, makes up just over 10% of Austrian dairy cows. It is known that high milk production comes at the expense of meat production and fattening ability .

Dairy cattle breeds in fattening

Dairy cattle breeds in fattening

 (C) HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein, M. Velik, W. Starz


Calf transport abroad, animal welfare , meat consumption and a sustainable and holistic view of animal production systems bring the (male) calves of our dairy farms into the media and social focus .

The question arises as to what can be done with high-dairy calves. Promoting domestic calf fattening and stocking dairy cows with meat breed animals are two promising approaches that are already being increasingly implemented in Austria. 

A research project at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein took a holistic look at milk production AND fattening . In a bull fattening trial , Simmental cattle and Holsteins were fattened at 2 feeding levels. Evaluations were carried out

  • Fattening performance (feed intake, gains, feed conversion, ...)
  • Slaughtering performance (classification, cuts, fat storage, etc.) and
  • Meat quality (tenderness, juiciness, marbling, ...)

In addition, the economic efficiency examined. Just listen or watch:




In conversation with Dr. Andreas Steinwidder tells Dr. Margit Velik on the results of the research project “Masteeffzienz – Animal performance and meat quality of dairy cattle in bull fattening”.



Stone Aries Andreas, Priv. Doc. Dr.

Priv. Doc. Dr. Andreas Steinwidder

Head of Research & Innovation
Velik Margit, Dr

Dr. Margit Velik

Cattle fattening and product quality

Research documentation


Fattening of cross-bred dairy breed × beef breed cattle (Holstein × Angus) in grassland: influence on fattening performance, slaughter performance, meat quality, efficiency, economic viability and environmental impact

Velik Margit (2021)
HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein