Research projects

    Influence of ration composition on the mid-infrared spectrum of cow's milk

    Steinwidder Andreas, Priv.  Doz.  Dr.

    Priv. Doz. Dr. Andreas Steinwidder

    Head of Research & Innovation

    As part of the scientific work, the influence of ration composition on the mid-infrared spectrum of cow's milk will be examined using a wide range of data from the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein.

    is being carried out both internationally and nationally to identify dairy products of particular quality cost-effectively and to be able to secure them. For example, attention is paid to special ingredients (fatty acids, vitamins, taste, etc.) and regional origin. Initial preliminary test results from Gumpenstein show that the spectral analysis data can be used to draw conclusions about the cows' feed ration (concentrate feed, corn silage, grassland feed, etc.).
    The results of this can be used in dairy cattle breeding (taking environmental effects into account), for quality assurance, for more quality-dependent payment and for marketing.

    Impact of feed ration composition on the mid-infrared spectra of dairy cow milk

    In the project the impact of the feed ration composition on the mid-infrared spectra of dairy cow milk will be evaluated. The possibilities of using mid infrared spectra of milk to create prediction equations to assess the ration composition of dairy cows will be tested.
    The prediction of ration composition could be implemented 1.) in the national data base of the milk recorded cows to provide information about ration composition and feeding intensity from the monthly milk testing and 2.) in dairy companies to monitor milk quality programs.

    Cow in the milking parlor

    Cow in the milking parlor

     HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein/ Steinwidder


    Influence of ration composition on the mid-infrared spectrum of cow's milk

    Steinwidder Andreas (2015 - 2016)
    Institute 4 - Bio