"Podcast on the topic of 'Climate Change Adaptation Model Region' of the three Upper Styrian municipalities."
(c) Natalie Prüggler - KLAR Ennstal

Model region CLEAR! Ennstal Future Region - 86th Podcast

(c) Natalie Prüggler - KLAR Ennstal

Model region CLEAR! Ennstal Future Region - 86th Podcast

Tailor-made projects for communities and citizens to adapt to climate change

As an Alpine region, the Ennstal is more affected by climate change than the European average. The effects are already being felt in the region. Extreme weather events in particular cause natural disasters such as mudflows and floods. The forestry industry is also increasingly under pressure. It is important to raise awareness among citizens of all ages about how they can best prepare and adapt themselves. a climate change adaptation model region (KLAR for short!), the three Upper Styrian municipalities Öblarn, Sölk and Michaelerberg-Pruggern have set themselves the goal of implementing awareness-raising measures for the population as well as regionally tailored climate change adaptation measures.
Since 2017, 25 projects have already been focused on:

  • Disaster protection & infrastructure
  • Forestry & Biodiversity as well
  • Education implemented.

The concept for the unique natural hazard demonstration model “Öblarn Water Experience” , which was awarded the Neptun State Prize for Water EDUCATION in 2023, was also presented in the KLAR! developed. Now the three are CLEAR! nominated for the CliA State Prize for Climate Change Adaptation from the Ministry of Climate Protection with the torrent management project “We won’t let our village flood!”


If you are enthusiastic about these topics or would like to find out more about them, we invite you to listen to our podcast:


If you are interested in the topic discussed by Mr. Priv. Doc. Dr. Andreas Steinwidder and Ms. Mag. (FH) Dr. Natalie Prüggler is discussed, then please take a look at our podcast:




State Prize for Climate Change Adaptation: We are nominated! VOTE now!

Here you can find the link for the state prize voting from the project “We won’t let our village flood”

The torrent cutting operations and alternative bank protection by KLAR! The municipalities of Öblarn, Sölk and Michaelerberg-Pruggern in cooperation with LEADER have been nominated for the State Climate Change Adaptation Prize! The joint project “We won’t let our village flood!” is therefore in the running for the high award from the Ministry of Climate Protection in the heavy rain and flood category. Now we need all of you!
Please share and vote online at: https://staatspreis-adaptation.at/voting/

And this is how it works:

  • CHOOSE “We won’t let our village flood” project ,
  • scroll to the bottom of the page,
  • Enter your email address and
  • on “VOTE NOW” .
  • Complete! 

    #voundfürdEnnstoler #klarEnnstal #climatechangeadaptation #leaderennstalausseerland #climatefund #cliaStaatspreis #staatspreisadaptation


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