Offers and courses

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Hoof care course

Own stock insemination course

The own herd insemination course is interesting for cattle farms. Pupils can acquire this qualification in a course in higher grades


Music is very important in Raumberg. Everyone who comes to Raumberg with prior musical and instrumental knowledge has the opportunity to live out their passion in groups such as brass band, school choir, folk music groups or individually at the piano. The Gröbming Music School also offers music lessons for those willing to learn who have not yet played an instrument.

Research modules

As part of school education, insight into modern research is made possible by scientists designing teaching units. They offer current, first-hand knowledge and are available to answer technical questions and supervise final theses.


{mosperson:691:Breitenbaumer Othmar, Prof. DI:full}

{mosperson:331:Pieslinger Herwig, Prof. OStR Mag. Dr.:full}

{mosperson:690:Gasteiner Johann, Dr.:full}

ECDL - ECDL advanced

Our school is a qualified test center for the European computer driving license ECDL and for the next higher level, the ECDL Advanced. All those who have only partially acquired the seven ECDL modules or none at all are offered free preparation for the exams. The digital exams can be taken at your own school.


{mosperson:304:Bauer Johann, FOL Ing.:full}

{mosperson:331:Pieslinger Herwig, Prof. OStR Mag. Dr.:full}

{mosperson:337:Schwarzkogler Alfred, Prof. MMag.:full}

Hunting course

In preparation for the official hunting examination, an optional subject is taught by an experienced forestry and wildlife ecologist. If you actually want to take the exam, you must bear the costs and fees for official procedures and exercises yourself. The minimum age for this is 16 years.


{mosperson:395:Meierl Josef, Dipl.-Ing.:full}