At the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein, the breeding of Austrian ecotypes of grasses and small-grain legumes is carried out. It is important to ensure the genetic diversity of the grassland in our gene bank and to develop and propagate climate-adapted varieties specifically for the farming conditions in Austria.



    Quality mixtures for grassland

    Quality mixtures for grassland

    The most important potential for a grassland and livestock farmer is his meadows, pastures and field fodder. The plant populations of these grassland crops should be grassy, ​​stable in the sward and with legumes and compatible herbs...
    Breeding and seed production

    Breeding and seed production

    In the climatically disadvantaged grassland production areas of Austria, the availability of suitable varieties is limited because international breeders do not serve the Alpine region with their own breeding programs as the market is too small....
    Plant-growing alternatives - special crops

    Plant-growing alternatives - special crops

    Our focus in this area is fruit and viticulture. Due to the steep slopes, which are often exposed to the south, enormous erosion damage can occur if there is a lack of ground cover. Permanent greenery adapted to the location...
    Crop production alternatives - arable crops

    Crop production alternatives - arable crops

    Until the last century, agriculture was widespread in the inner Alpine regions. In addition to potatoes, various types of grain were also grown for human and livestock nutrition. In recent years the cultivation...