LfL in practical knowledge transfer in Raumberg-Gumpenstein
(C) Raumberg-Gumpenstein, M. Kogler

Bavarian testing in exchange of experiences

(C) Raumberg-Gumpenstein, M. Kogler

Bavarian testing in exchange of experiences

On June 11th and 12th, employees of the Bavarian state testing department went on an excursion to HBLFA Gumpenstein. The group was composed of those technically responsible for carrying out the experiment from the Offices for Food, Agriculture and Forestry (ÄELF), the Bavarian State Institute for Agriculture (LfL) and the Bavarian State Estates (BaySG).

The people responsible for planning and evaluating the testing (LfL) and those responsible for coordination and technology (BaySG) also took part.

After a presentation of the structure and tasks of the HBLFA, the participants were able to gain insights into the organization of experimental planning and implementation at the site. What was particularly interesting were the diverse activities for knowledge transfer .

In the subsequent tours , the participants were introduced to the extensive equipment for non-destructive plant assessments , which conveyed a very high level of technology. The group of visitors was very impressed by the unique facility for the ClimGrass project .

Since most of the participants work in experiments themselves, the enormous effort spent on maintaining and sampling the experiment as well as the extensive care of the measuring instruments were acknowledged with great respect. The participants were also stuck with the number of measurements taken every day: 50,000 individual values ​​per day, which represent a basis for assessing the consequences of climate change for grassland use!

Another highlight was the tour of the SatGrass . This innovative approach makes it possible to estimate grassland yields and qualities over a large area. In this area there is an exchange between the HBLFA and the LfL. Here too, the multifactorial and sophisticated test system received great attention.

presentation of sample handling was also very interesting . The next highlight was the walk-in lysimeter system . The various possibilities for visualizing and illustrating the complex interactions in the area of ​​soil-plant-weather were presented very clearly.

The participants followed with great interest the speakers, who spoke on the respective topics with expertise and commitment. A wide range of suggestions for Bavarian testing were included. The group also expressed great thanks for the hospitality and the excellent organization. The long journey was worth it!

We, the organizational team from the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein, would like to thank Mr. Dr. Ewald Sticksel and his team for the great interest, this feedback and the interesting exchange of information in the grassland area.


Stone Aries Andreas, Priv. Doc. Dr.

Priv. Doc. Dr. Andreas Steinwidder

Head of Research & Innovation
Krautzer Bernhard. Dr.

Dr. Bernhard Krautzer

Institute management for crop production and cultural landscape
Schaumberger Andreas, Dr.

Mag. MSc. Andreas Schaumberger

Grassland management and cultural landscape
Resch Reinhard, Ing.

Ing. Reinhard Resch

Head of analytics and feed evaluation department
Adelwöhrer Manuel

Manuel Adelwoehrer

Agricultural and environmental informatics
Herndl Markus, Dr.

Dr. Markus Herndl

Soil Science and Lysimetry Department, Head of the Eco-Efficiency Research Group
Gaier Lukas, DI

DI Lukas Gaier

Forage plants, varieties and mixtures
Klingler Andreas, DI

DI Andreas Klingler

Grassland management and cultural landscape
Terler Georg, Dr.

Dr. George Terler

Milk production and animal nutrition
Plant cultivation - Gumpenstein