Excursion to the Palud bird sanctuary

As part of an excursion, the students from HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein visited the impressive Palud bird sanctuary in Istria, Croatia. This excursion provided a unique opportunity to experience the diverse flora and fauna...


Travel to Croatia with the 2UR

In the last week of school, the 2UR (environmental and resource class) set off for Croatia. The students in this class wrote a report about their final trip. Just read for yourself.


Excursion of the 1L to Salzburg

The students of the 1L class went on an exciting excursion to Salzburg. During their three-day trip, they explored various businesses, historical sites and local attractions. Report below...


Wild bee excursion for the 2L class

Exciting insights into the world of wild bees The 2L (Agriculture) class of the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein had the opportunity to learn more about wild bees at the University of Innsbruck. A student has an interesting report...


Insights into the major practice 2024 from our students

Between the third and fourth grades, our students complete a 14-week internship, the so-called “big practice.” This enables them to gain practical experience and apply theoretical knowledge....

Exciting excursion for the 2nd environmental and resource management class

Insight into pulp production and the art of brewing: 2UR excursion to Zellstoff Pöls AG and Murauer Brewery On June 5, 2024, the 2UR (environmental and resource management) class of the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein went on an excursion to...

HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein photo competition

Reach for the stars and choose the best photo from your holiday practice! We started a photo competition with this topic last fall. The call was started by email and around 30 students who wanted a curricular...

Change of perspective – experience nature barrier-free

“Change of perspective – experiencing barrier-free nature” – project team for the 2nd advanced course in agriculture at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein, school year 2023/2024 The project topic of this year’s 2nd advanced course was “barrier-free nature...

Young Science Seal of Quality - Awarded in 2024

The Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research and Austria's Agency for Education and Internationalization have awarded 46 schools with the seal of quality for research partner schools. The HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein may...

End of school for the 3rd grade in 2024

Between the 3rd and 4th grades, the students of the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein complete a 14-week internship, the “large practice”. In order to still give the students time for vacation, this...

European Days 2024 - Austria and Europe: On to the next 30 years

The European Days will take place at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein on Thursday, November 28th and Friday, November 29th, 2024.


Successful participation in the Austrian Chemistry Olympiad (ÖCHO) 2024

At the beginning of the school year it was decided that the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein would take part in the Austrian Chemistry Olympiad (ÖCHO) this school year. Some interested HBLFA students were...

32 students pass the waste management exam

Exam passed On April 30, 2024, 30 students from the 4th year and two students from the 5th year faced the challenge of passing the waste management officer exam at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein.

Students at Europe Day at HAUP Ober St. Veit

On May 14th, the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein was represented at Europe Day in Vienna with 8 students. There we listened to some very interesting lectures about the European Parliament, which were followed by a quiz on the topic which...

The new waste officers at HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

32 students pass the waste management exam at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein! On April 30, 2024, 30 students from the 4th grade and two students from the 5th grade took on the challenge...

3rd Raumberg Health Day

As part of the “Healthy School” project, which is offered by the SVS and BVAEB for agricultural and forestry schools, the 3rd “Raumberger Health Day” took place on May 6, 2024.

Two new youth health coaches at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

As part of the health project, Elena Leitgeb and Miriam Wunscher from the 3UR year took part in the health coach course. The three-day course took place in Jufa Bruck an der Mur and was sponsored by the Austrian...


Styrian spring cleaning with the students of the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

The 1L class of the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumenstein actively participated in the 2024 spring cleaning promoted by the community. On Wednesday, April 3rd, and Friday, April 5th, the laboratory teaching groups with Mr. Kaltenegger Karl...

Successful presentations of our students’ theses

The students of HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein successfully presented their diploma theses from April 3rd to 5th. You have taken a significant step on the way to graduating from high school and we are happy for you.

Golden Medal of Honor for OStR DI Christian Ringdorfer

On February 21, 2024, the Federal President awarded Mr. OStR DI Christian Ringdorfer the Golden Medal of Honor for services to the Republic of Austria. On April 19, 2024, this high award was presented by Federal Minister Norbert...

Advertisement for teachers and educators 2024/25

You would like to teach with us in Raumberg-Gumpenstein - The good news: Our open teacher positions and an educator position have just been advertised on the federal job exchange and the application deadlines...

Tomb videregående school with us in Raumberg-Gumpenstein

Tomb Agricultural School visits the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein On Wednesday, March 20th, a class from the Tomb High School visited HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein with 40 students. The event began with a welcome from Director J. Gasteiner, who greeted...

The art of saponification

A fixed part of the laboratory lessons (2U class) is the production of a curd soap. The students have the opportunity to make their own soap.

Basic course in hoof care for our students

Successful completion of the basic course in hoof care for Raumberg students Ten students and two female students and the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein were able to do so thanks to Dir. Dr. Johann Gasteiner received the certificate for successfully passing...

Dining room extension

Work is currently underway to expand the existing dining room at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein school building. The dining room currently in use was built in 1956 and only has a seating capacity of 180. There is a...


State speech competition - exciting Raumberg elimination

On March 22nd, the Raumberg elimination for the Styrian State Speech Competition 2024 took place in a full Grimming Hall. There were eight applications for three starting places in the 16 to 18 age group, which were submitted to the jury headed by...

Excursion to pig and chicken farming (1ALG, 5U)

This year's 1ALG and 5U classes were able to gain exciting insights into the area of ​​pig and chicken farming. During the excursion on Wednesday, March 6th, they set off towards Eastern Styria at 8:00 a.m. and were also able to get information...

1U at the Mark company

On Tuesday March 1st, 2024, the 1U groups 1 and 4 were allowed to look at the Mark company. After a short tour of the company, a station operation was carried out. A big thank you to Mark Company for a fun and educational...


Raumberger at the 2024 Youth Chess Olympiad

Eight Raumbergers took part in the Youth Chess Olympiad on February 14, 2024 in Gratwein. Here are our good results:

Science Days in Raumberg-Gumpenstein

The next Science Day for our students will take place on Wednesday, January 9th, 2025. The "internal school" Science Day on September 12th, 2024 was tough again - a total of 6 classes were involved: The 5U class went to Wels;...

Team from 1L at the Wuzzel tournament in Pöchlarn

On Thursday, February 1st, we were guests at the Wuzzel tournament with a team of 8 from the 1L in the Garant feed company (in Pöchlarn).⚽️Markus Matzbacher and Philipp Schafferhofer achieved the...


My summer - My picture - My internship

Under this motto, in June last year, all students at HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein were asked to submit their most beautiful practical photos from their summer practice to a photo competition.

4U “Give the gift of starry moments”

As part of the project teaching, we are entering into a cooperation with the Sterntalerhof children's hospice in Burgenland in the 2023/24 school year. We visited our project partner on November 17th and 18th and set our first project goals.

Ski days on the Planneralm

This year's ski days on January 9th and 11th took the students back to the Planneralm. Especially on Thursday, the great weather thrilled everyone involved.


Advent celebration at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

The “Raumberger Advent” is already considered a tradition at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein. This year the event took place on December 18th and 19th. With musical performances by the school community, the guests enjoyed...

Raumbergball 2024 - Important information

With the motto “Tree falls – the last meters to the Matura”, the 87 high school graduates from the three graduating classes invite you to the Matura Ball with a unique charm. Preparations for the ball are in full swing and during the...


European Days 2023 - a review

Successful European Days Raumberg-Gumpenstein 2023 in Irdning - A look into the future with vision and innovation This year's European Days took place on the 24th and 25th under the motto "With vision and innovation into a climate-friendly future".

Open Day 2023

Our open day last Saturday was traditionally well attended. Numerous future students made their way from near and far and visited our school.

Open day - school year 2024/25

On Saturday, November 9th, 2024, the open day (8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.) will take place at the HBLFA-Raumberg Gumpenstein. Take advantage of the opportunity and get an idea of ​​us on site for yourself. Stop by - we look forward to...

Crop rotation planning in class

After explaining the need to create varied crop rotations and teaching cultivation systems, the students were explained which rules apply to planning crop rotations.

New pictures for the school building

An internal “Internat 2023 Photo Competition” was announced between September 19th and October 3rd, 2023 - yesterday the almost 100 were selected by the jury with our director Dr. Johann Gasteiner selected pictures in the school building and student dormitory main building...


Dance course for the 2nd grade

This school year, too, a successful dance course for the 2nd grade took place under the expert guidance of Manfred Rössler (“Dance School MANDY”). This time, however, it was under special circumstances, as more than...

Fishing day in Trautenfels - optional hydrology and fishing

The optional subject “Aquatic Science and Fishing” offers participants the opportunity to learn to fish “by doing”. Assembly construction, choice of bait, casting techniques, landing the fish and the careful handling of...

Catering for the Long Night of the Museums

Our mission: Catering for the Long Night of Museums in Trautenfels Castle - Katharina Krenn, the director of the Trautenfels Museum, thanked her and was impressed ;-) Great visit - sold out - our organic products produced by the Moarhof,...

20th graduation anniversary 5b 2003

The 5b class of 2002/2003 met on Saturday, October 7th, 2023 to celebrate their 20th graduation anniversary. Of the 19 high school graduates at the time, 13 traveled to Raumberg. Christian Schmidt from Bad Gams and Robert Stieg from...

5L on a final trip to Spain

As part of our final trip, we set off for Spain last Sunday. After a few hours of bus travel we reached our first stop, Lloret de Mar on the Costa Brava in Catalonia. From there we are...

Soon there will be sweet cider again

As part of the stable practice lesson last week, a group from the 1-LW class collected apples. Under the motto “Many hands, a quick end” the boxes were picked up by the students in bright sunshine...


Soil type investigation in the 2U classroom

The type of soil results from the division of the fine soil into the grain fractions of sand, silt and clay. It is also known as grain or texture and is considered one of the most important soil properties in terms of productivity,...

Opening of the boarding school and Steirerhalle

In just 9 weeks, a project close to our hearts was implemented at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein: the 2nd and 3rd floors of the boarding school's main building and the entrance area of ​​our school building. After the renovation of the first floor of our boarding school in...

Strategy meeting of the higher agricultural schools at Moarhof

On September 14th and 15th, 2023, the directors of all higher agricultural and forestry schools in Austria met for a strategy meeting at the Moarhof organic teaching and research company in Trautenfels. Together...

Excursion and hiking day destination: HBLFA teaching biotope in Trautenfels

As part of the school project "Refreshing - a breath of fresh air for our biotope", this diverse habitat opposite the fish restaurant in Trautenfels, A-8951 Stainach-Pürgg, was turned into a...

Renovation work in the school building is almost finished

Construction final spurt before the start of school in Raumberg The renovation work on the outside and inside of our school building is coming to an end - and we would like to thank everyone involved for sticking to the tight schedule...


Obituary Dr. Peter Kaltenegger

We received the sad news that our graduate and colleague DI Dr. Peter Kaltenegger, MJ 1976, died far too early. Dr. Kaltenegger worked for many years in the European Commission's Directorate-General for Agriculture...

“Welcome board Raumberg” - a welcome board

Since the school's old welcome board was removed a few years ago due to its poor condition, there was a great desire for a new welcome board and thus this project by the 4LW as part of the project lessons as a project idea...

End-of-school excursion to the Hohe Tauern National Park for 1U

Our end-of-school excursion took the 1U students from July 3rd - 5th, 2023 to the Hohe Tauern National Park in Mallnitz or Obervellach.

A look behind the scenes

The 4UR had the opportunity to get a very interesting insight into the processing processes of the food producer “Landena”.

Project 4U “Refreshing – a breath of fresh air for our biotope”

This year, as part of the project lessons with Prof. Schaffer and Prof. Schwab, we dealt with the renewal of our school biotope.

The 1U raised bed is now planted!

The raised bed, which was completed a few weeks ago and was set up by Professor Luidold's class, has now been stocked with carrots, potatoes, lamb's lettuce, chives and herbs

But now it's Sense

This idiom refers to the decisive end of something; At the beginning, however, there was an instructive morning for the 2Ls, led by deputy director DI Othmar Breitenbaumer and accompanied by year director Mag. Johannes...

2 ALG on a language trip in Edinburgh

The second advanced course is currently on a language trip in Edinburgh with Prof. Ruch and Prof. Prieger-Edlinger.

Excursion to Lake Garda

As part of the Italian elective, part of the 4LW and 4UR year group set off for Italy on Sunday morning to spend two days at the beautiful “Lago di Garda”.


4U course on Ausseerland fishing

On June 12, 2023 we went on a teaching trip to the Ausseerland fishery in Kainisch.

Graduation in 2023

Today it was that time again: With one laughing eye and one crying eye, we celebrated the farewell of our high school graduates in a large group. Crying because an interesting phase of life comes to an end, laughing because...

Project presentation in Vienna “We for tomorrow, Raumberg against climate concerns”

As part of the 2ALG project teaching, we collected the most important energy consumption and energy flows of the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein and formulated possible suggestions for improvement.


Students make newspapers

Our students from 4 U took part in the Little Newspaper project “Students Make Newspapers” and conducted an interview with Mag. Dr. Guggenberger Thomas, head of the Institute for Livestock Research.

Forestry state decision - first in the team ranking

The students of the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein are first in the team ranking of the agricultural schools.

European School Students Day in Vienna

On May 15, 2023, eight students from HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein visited Europe Day in Vienna, where they were able to gain exciting insights into agricultural policy.

Spring concert at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein - over an hour of brass music at its best

On May 11, 2023, a big spring concert took place in the Grimming Hall of the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein.


“Refreshing – a breath of fresh air for our biotope”

As part of the project teaching at the HBLFA Raumberg Gumpenstein, the 4UR year group is tackling the improvement of the school biotope in Trautenfels.

Spring awakening in Raumberg

With these flowery greetings, the educator team wishes you a nice start to the week!

ECOLOGICAL AWARD 2022 for the diploma thesis

Microplastics in Alpine Lakes – Origin, Distribution, Solutions

20th State Forestry Championship – once again in full action

Almost 3 years ago, students in our school founded the recreational activity “competitive cutting”.

Training in hoof care in Raumberg-Gumpenstein

Five students and six students from the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein were able to do so thanks to Dr. Johann Gasteiner will be presented with the certificate for successfully passing the voluntary basic course in hoof care....

Europe Days 2023 - Together for European values

The European Days will take place at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein from November 24th - 25th, 2023.

Success for Simon Lasser at the show jumping tournament in Carinthia

On March 31, 2023, a three-day jumping tournament took place in Carinthia (St. Margarethen-Stückler).

Chainsaw sport in Raumberg-Gumpenstein

Chainsaw racing was started at our school almost three years ago. Last year, after the end of the pandemic, the time had come: we took part in our first state championship - and did it very successfully. At that time...


Job advertisement for cook in the school kitchen

There is a position available as a cook in our school kitchen!


Raumberger at the Youth Chess Olympiad

Over 800 chess players on the 2 days of competition mean an absolute record number of participants in Gratwein. Apparently many young people used the numerous offers on the Internet to play chess during the difficult Corona period...

Science Day of the 5L in Gumpenstein

Like every year, we, the final class of the 5-year agricultural course, were able to spend a day at the Gumpenstein research station. We got general insights into the digitalization of agriculture and...

Ski course 2u in Flachau

We, the 2u, were allowed to spend a week of skiing lessons in Flachau from January 22nd to January 27th, 2023, together with the 2l year group. We were accompanied by MMag. Gernot Schwab, Bed. Unterberger, Soz.Päd. Hüttinger, Ing. Mauthner, Mag. Kaltenegger, Mag....


Applied Biology and Ecology - Georg Laserer introduces himself

My name is Georg Laserer. As a native of Altaussee, I live in Donnersbach.

70th Winter Conference 2023: Live throughout Austria & online - our students were there

Motivated and full of anticipation, the students from classes 4UR and 2Alg boarded the bus to Vienna at 6 a.m. on Tuesday.

Experience report from graduate Josef Kurzmann

My name is Josef Kurzmann, I am 21 years old and come from Fernitz-Mellach in Styria.

Students report: My internship in Iceland

After the 3rd grade, everyone has to complete a 14-week internship.

Planting trees with the Irdning middle school

As part of the project management lesson, we, the 4Ls, were asked to plant trees together with the first class of the secondary school and to use various browsing protection methods.


Salzburg excursion December 2022

We, the 2U, spent a day in Salzburg.


Advent time

"Advent time is when a light illuminates the world on long dark nights" - Christmas atmosphere while tying Advent wreaths with Bernadette Titschenbacher.

The journey to the distance

At the beginning of June, our class went to Ireland with Ms Ruch and Mr Eichholzer. Our journey started at Salzburg airport, from where we first flew to Frankfurt to reach our destination.

Review of the Europe Days 2022

Professor DI Robert Klenkhart would have been 100 years old this year; he held the European Days in Frauenberg for decades over 50 years ago.

Students visit the Liezen surveying office

All students in our classes 1U and 1ALG were very impressed by the visit to the Liezen surveying office.

If you want new answers, you have to ask new questions...

Johann Wolfgang Goethe already knew that lifelong learning is one of the cornerstones of every life. Only those who ask questions get answers and thereby gain intellectual added value!

New student council at HBLFA

Dear Raumberg school community! Here is the new student council in the first photo of their term of office.


Clearance drill

On October 17, 2022, the annual evacuation exercise was carried out in the boarding school.

Award for our school buffet

Enjoy health together - quality check of the school buffet The school buffet of the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein, looked after by Lebenshilfe Stainach, was subjected to a quality check and awarded “Very Good”.

Final excursion for the 5U class from September 18th to 25th, 2022

On Sunday, September 18th at 6 a.m., the 5U class of the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein went on their long-awaited final excursion to the southern countries of Italy, Monaco, France and Spain.

All waltzes

Since the start of school there has been a lot of dancing again. All 2nd year students took part in this year's dance course with the Mandy dance school.

Long Night of Museums - Trautenfels Castle

This year too, our students spoiled the guests of the “Long Night of the Museums” with regional and self-produced delicacies.


Getting to know each other (1U) at the hiking day on September 22nd

Under the expert guidance of boarding school director Karl Mauthner, the 21 girls (!) and 15 boys of the new 1U year group were able to get closer to each other during the hiking day to the Grimminghütte and the Tressenstein and...

Admonter acoustics class in Raumberg-Gumpenstein

At the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein, a classroom (2L year) has currently been converted into an acoustics class with full sponsorship from Admonter Holzindustrie AG. After a simulation calculation, special acoustic...

Getting to know the new students (1L) for the first time at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

The first two school weeks of the new school year have already passed and the students in class 1L have experienced many exciting activities together with teacher Isabelle Stockinger and class leader Verena Mayer.

NEWS from the student dormitory!

Challenge accepted - The entire first floor in the main house was completely renovated - everything worked!

Kingfisher returned again?

Most of the time a project is carried out according to plan, completed and forgotten. - For some, however, there is also long-term success: When the project "Where it creeps and crawls" of the then 4b class was started on May 28, 2019,...


European Days 2022 - Visit to Brussels

We are very pleased that our students Elisa Moosbrugger and Hanna Janisch were able to visit Ms. Simone Schmiedtbauer in the European Parliament in Brussels last week.

Sports lessons with/with friends!

It was with great anticipation that year 4L and 4U set off for the summer sports week in Carinthia at Lake Millstättersee in the last week of school.