(C) Kurt Krimberger

Climate Change - Bird Protection and Agriculture - 24th Podcast

(C) Kurt Krimberger

Climate Change - Bird Protection and Agriculture - 24th Podcast

How do birds react to changes and what measures can promote bird diversity?

Birds are specialists who can react quickly and sensitively to problems in nature and cultivated landscapes due to their high mobility. Every change in a living space always has winners and losers!

In the cold, rather humid Styrian Ennstal, climate change sometimes also brings positive changes for the bird world. Small-scale individual observations sometimes stand in contrast to the major problems facing Austrian and international bird populations in connection with agriculture and drought in less humid areas due to climate change.

PD Dr. Andreas Steinwidder talks to Ing. Kurt Krimberger about his many years of personal and, above all, regional observations as a hobby ornithologist, nature observer and nature photographer in the Ennstal. Due to his expertise, Ing. Krimberger is also a participant in numerous bird monitoring projects (quail king, meadow breeder, framework, etc.)

The conversation is intended to highlight problems and opportunities for agriculture and nature conservation and offer food for thought for practical improvement options. Listen for yourself:



Here for you is the full conversation from our head of research and innovation, PD Dr. Andreas Steinwidder with Ing. Kurt Krimberger on the topic “How do birds react to changes and what measures can promote bird diversity?” in full length:


Further documents: 

Project manager

Stone Aries Andreas, Priv. Doc. Dr.

Priv. Doc. Dr. Andreas Steinwidder

Head of Research & Innovation

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