HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein/Pixabax



Processing of the entire accounting system in accordance with federal accounting regulations (VV), including preparation of budget estimates, annual financial statements and tenders or purchase approvals and credit monitoring:

  • Management of the HBLFA cash register with all related accounting requirements
  • Postal entry and exit with postcard index and storage
  • Ordering and sales systems for the entire institution area
  • Management of order records and the incoming and outgoing invoice book
  • Management of teacher and student records
  • Inventory and materials management
  • Payroll accounting for collective wage earners
  • Fee schedule and reminders
  • Attendance control
  • Sick leave card
  • Coordination and supervision of the processing center
  • Cleaning service and maintenance
  • Management of the properties
  • Human resources management
  • Management of the central telephone exchange and central services
  • Fleet management
  • Management of in-house workshops