Mission statement

Mission statement

The Higher Federal Teaching and Research Institute for Agriculture Raumberg-Gumpenstein is an important center for education and research in rural areas

The focus on “agriculture” and “environmental and resource management” accentuates the lessons. We attach great importance to optimally combining theory and practice in the educational offering up to the school leaving certificate and diploma examination.

Modern, general and technical knowledge as well as personality development are imparted to school youth in an atmosphere that emphasizes performance and at the same time conveys security. Innovative problem solving and international networking are given particular importance. The content of organic farming and biosphere conservation addresses vital questions of society.

Scientific work is taught directly through diploma theses, special courses and project studies. In order to meet the requirements of society, consumers and agriculture, there is ongoing coordination between education and research, which ensures that current and technically central teaching content is offered.

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Agricultural schools Austria

Our mission statement

In accordance with its legal mandate, the Higher Federal Teaching and Research Institute for Agriculture Raumberg-Gumpenstein wants to be a center for education and research for rural areas with a high profile throughout Austria and internationally.

As members of the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein, we want to ensure that our students receive an education that is oriented towards securing livelihoods and quality of life, the individual ability to achieve professional success and joy in life, and the goals of gender mainstreaming.

We want to ensure that all of our employees have a high level of innovation and great personal commitment to the well-being of our school youth. We want to develop continuously and participatively with the aim of systematically improving the efficiency of our organization.

In order to meet the requirements of society, consumers and agriculture, there should be ongoing coordination between education and research to ensure that current and technically central teaching content is always offered. Modern general and technical knowledge as well as personality development should be imparted to our school youth in an atmosphere that emphasizes performance and at the same time conveys security in school and student homes.

Particular emphasis is placed on innovative problem solving and international networking. The content of organic farming and biosphere conservation addresses vital questions of modern society and should be passed on to our target audience within the framework of our location. The aim is to teach students how to work scientifically through diploma theses, special courses and project studies.

The school-autonomous focus areas “Agricultural Marketing” and “Agricultural Management” are intended to accentuate lessons in the higher education college for agriculture. We attach great importance to optimally combining theory and practice in our educational offering up to the school leaving certificate and diploma examination.

We feel committed to sustainability and see our participation in the Ökolog network and environmental labels as an important contribution to this.

Mission statement Raumberg-Gumpenstein school area - decision of the school community committee at the meeting on November 6, 2014



Mission statement

Mission statement

 Mission statement
