Biotope in Trautenfels
(c) HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

Excursion and hiking day destination: HBLFA teaching biotope in Trautenfels

(c) HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

Excursion and hiking day destination: HBLFA teaching biotope in Trautenfels

As part of the school project "Refreshing - a breath of fresh air for our biotope", this diverse habitat opposite the fish restaurant in Trautenfels, A-8951 Stainach-Pürgg, was upgraded to a teaching biotope by the 4th year environmental and resource management class. 

It is open to all visitors and school classes to take a look at this ecological gem, integrate it into lessons or simply get an idea of ​​the diversity of this unique area of ​​life.

As part of the project, paths were maintained and, following official approval, the footbridge was renovated and given a roof. In addition, display boards were set up to inform guests about the herbaceous plants, shrubs, trees, reptiles and fish found there.

A special treat is the reintroduction of the noble crab. As part of the final project event, at which, among others, the director of the house, Dr. Johann Gasteiner, and the mayor of the municipality of Stainach-Pürgg, Roland Raninger, were present, the biotope waters were stocked with noble crabs and young brown trout.

By designing the biotope to be suitable for teaching, lively biology lessons can be held on site from elementary school to high school. As preparation, you can watch the presentation below and also download all the teaching boards as a PDF file for free. We can also offer this special destination on hiking days. No registration is required for the visit. In return we have a request - help us keep this biotope clean for everyone - thank you.

Pictures of the teaching biotope

(c) HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein, R. Schaffer

Download the teaching boards for the teaching biotope






Teaching biotope in Trautenfels, A-8951