Applied Biology and Ecology - Georg Laserer introduces himself

Applied Biology and Ecology - Georg Laserer introduces himself

My name is Georg Laserer. As a native of Altaussee, I live in Donnersbach.

I was fascinated by plants and animals even as a small child, when I eagerly helped my parents with their gardening. After graduating from BORG Bad Aussee, I lived in Heidelberg and Vienna for a few years, studying food and biotechnology at BOKU.

Why I chose this particular course of study is due to my interests in biology, chemistry, medicine and health. I was able to gain professional experience for several years in the area of ​​quality assurance/microbiology. Today I work in quality management at Landena KG and I am very happy to be joining the Raumberg teaching staff as a teacher of applied biology and ecology.

The cultivation of rare plants and pedigree chickens as well as microscopy are among my hobbies. I also enjoy photography, music and singing.