Matura celebration 2024 at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein
(c) HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

Matura celebration 2024 - 87 graduates celebrate their graduation

(c) HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

Matura celebration 2024 - 87 graduates celebrate their graduation

Graduation celebration at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein: A day of success and joy

On Friday, June 21, 2024, the ceremonial graduation ceremony place at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein. A total of 87 students successfully passed the Matura. Of these, 14 achieved excellent success and 20 achieved good success. Particularly noteworthy is year 5L (agriculture): five years ago, 36 students started their training and all 36 have now successfully completed it.

After the traditional graduation photos and an ecumenical service led by Dr. Michael Unger and OStR Wolfgang Carlsson, the prizes were awarded for the three best theses .

  • First place:
    Juli Dielacher and Lea Antensteiner from the 5L
    diploma thesis: Influence of hoof care on the growth of the hind claws and the hind leg posture of cattle
    Supervisors: Johann Häusler and Robert Pesenhofer

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  • Second place:
    Jonathan Taghi Jauk and Lion Felix Peham from the 5U
    diploma thesis: Post-purification of municipal wastewater using chlorella alga.
    Supervisor: DI Werner Michor

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  • Third place:
    Andreas Sprung and Leon Steinbauer from the 5U
    diploma thesis: cultivation trial of grain corn and grain sorghum for cattle fattening.
    Supervisor: DI DDr. Roman Schaffer

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Afterwards, the year leaders Mag. Phil. Pürcher Maximilian (5L Agriculture), Mag. Wechsler Karin (Environmental and Resource Management) and DI Schweiger Peter (3ALG advanced course) presented the graduation certificates to the proud graduates.

The celebration was musically framed by the school brass band , a house band consisting of students and teachers, the choir and other musical performances by students. After the ceremonial farewell to the graduates, a shared meal followed, which rounded off the successful day.

We warmly congratulate all high school graduates on their success and wish them all the best for their future!

Our service for our high school graduates - You can download your pictures in high resolution here on


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