Successful presentations of our students’ theses

The students of the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein diploma theses from April 3rd to 5th .

You have taken a significant step on the way to graduating from high school and we are happy for you.

Diploma thesis presentation at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

Diploma thesis presentation at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

 (c) HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein, M.Kandolf

The variety of topics reflects the different interests of the students. We warmly congratulate our high school graduates on this successful achievement and wish them much success for the coming exams.

The following subject areas were presented:

Crop production:
  • Green cut rye as a permanent grassland alternative for inner-Alpine flood retention basins
  • Cultural management and use of Miscanthus
  • Comparison of two tillage systems in the grain maize area
  • Influence of sowing technology and quantity on the seed and residual plant yield of industrial hemp
  • The critical water requirements of fruits and vegetables – consumption and production processes
  • Soybean variety comparison
  • Biological, pedological and economic aspects of direct sowing
  • Properties and uses of hemp
  • Cultivation trial of grain corn and grain sorghum for cattle fattening
  • Comparison of jacket film and net binding for round bale silage with regard to fermentation quality
  • Corn variety trial with different maturity numbers. Comparison between organic and conventional potato cultivation
  • Structural change in Austrian agriculture since joining the EU
  • Economic presentation of alternative forms of management based on a practical business
  • Herd guard dogs as new helpers on the farm
Livestock farming:
  • Effects of different stable and manure removal systems on hoof health in dairy farming
  • Economic evaluation of various milking systems for dairy cows
  • Beef and milk quality in Austria - From the farmer to the consumer
  • The development of livestock farming in Austria in the 20th century. Effects of different stable designs on heat stress in cattle farming
  • Future-oriented stable conversion using the example of two dairy farms - from tethered housing to a free stall
  • Comparison of dairy goat farming in Austria and Norway
  • The birth process with its risks and the follow-up care for cows and calves
  • Mother-bound calf rearing in AustriaInfluence of hoof care on the growth of the hind claws and the hind leg posture of cattle
  • Comparison of drinking systems in dairy farming
  • Comparison of various new building solutions for small-scale suckler cow farms
  • Economically important parameters in lamb fattening
  • Measures and their effects to improve calf health
  • Are there differences between organic and conventional pig fattening?
  • Claw diseases and problems in cattle in connection with different housing systems from the perspective of farmers
  • Development and causes of the accumulation of damaged wood in the districts of Bruck-Mürzzuschlag and Weiz
  • A survey of hardwood locations in the Liezen district and their development opportunities
  • Comparison of farmers' forestry rights with farmers' own forest
Agricultural technology:
  • Comparison of a double knife mower with a disc mower in terms of harvest efficiency, forage quality and operating costs
  • The wolf populations of Allentsteig and Mölltal in comparison
  • Different types of salt licks and types of salt in relation to roe deer
  • The return of the wolf to Austria - effects on the Alpine pastures in comparison to Carinthia and Styria
  • Meat analysis of red and roe deer with consumer survey at the Herzog von Württemberg farm
  • The social image of the hunter and hunting
  • Comparison of beef and game meat
Environment and resource management:
  • Climate footprint of students at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein
Water management:
  • Post-purification of municipal wastewater using chlorella algae


Here is the link to download the topics:

Pictures from the presentation of the diploma theses