The journey to the distance

The journey to the distance

At the beginning of June, our class went to Ireland with Ms Ruch and Mr Eichholzer. Our journey started at Salzburg airport, from where we first flew to Frankfurt to reach our destination.

Many of us were very excited as it was the first flight of our lives. Even on the plane to Dublin, the tension grew. Questions arose: What will our host parents be like? Will we be able to find our way around in such a big city? But when we arrived, our worries were not long-lasting. Our host parents welcomed us warmly and we immediately felt like a part of their family.

On the first day of our trip, we met our guide at the Dublin landmark called ”The Spire”. From there we started our tour towards the language school where we went every day to improve our grammar. After school, we mostly had free time. We also went on several excursions with the whole class every day, such as the trip to Belfast to the Titanic Museum, or the cliff tour. On Sunday, we girls went to visit the Phoenix Park, which was by far the best day in Dublin. As a small reminder of our stay in Ireland, we got tattoos which have a great meaning for us.

After 7 days in a fantastic city, we started our journey home to Styria at 9 am and were very happy when we finally arrived at home, exhausted but full of lasting memories.