Matura Ball 2024 Raumberg - Logo
Raumberg Matura Committee 2023

Raumbergball 2024 - Important information

Raumberg Matura Committee 2023

Raumbergball 2024 - Important information

With the motto “ Tree falls – the last meters to the Matura ”, the 87 high school graduates from the three graduating classes invite you to the Matura Ball with a unique charm.

Preparations for the ball are in full swing and during the Christmas holidays each class will be transformed into a unique bar by the high school graduates. Everyone is responsible for an area; The whole thing is coordinated by the specially elected ball committee under the direction of ball manager Benedikt Stummer. Together we create an incredible event for ourselves and our guests.

Unfortunately we are sold out - there are no more evening tickets available, sorry


General information for our visitors about the Raumbergball 2024

  • Date : Saturday, January 13, 2024
  • Please arrive by public transport
  • One-way system in the school area (Unger entrance - past the workshops - to the main entrance - get out - parking lot)
  • Admission : 6:30 p.m
  • Polonaise : 8:00 p.m
  • Deposit system
  • 200€ notes are not accepted
  • Smoking prohibited on the entire school grounds without exception
  • Parking available with free shuttle service
    At the ATV parking lot in Irdning (Falkenburg Trautenfelserstraße 2, 8952 Irdning) or in
    Gumpenstein - a free shuttle service to the school is offered from both parking lots.
  • Schedule shuttle bus
    from the ATV parking lot / Gumpenstein to Raumberg between 6:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m.
    from Raumberg to the ATV parking lot or to Gumpenstein between 1:00 a.m. and 4:00 a.m
Arrival by car

Directions via L736 to Raumberg 38 - note the one-way system on site (entrance: Unger [not main entrance] - drive towards the entrance) - drop off passengers at the entrance and then drive again via L736 towards Irdning. Either park in Gumpenstein or to the ATV parking lot in Irdning. (Trautenfelserstraße2, 8952 Irdning-Donnersbachtal) continue. (Parking controllers provide information!) There are regular free shuttle buses from the parking lots to the ball area.

Arrival by bus

Directions via L736 to Raumberg 38. Continue into the town and turn around at the chapel in Raumberg . After this turning maneuver, return to Raumberg 38. Let the passengers get off at the “Raumberg School” bus stop . After getting off, head back towards Irdning (L736) and at turn into the student parking lot at the school or continue to the Irdning ATV parking lot (Trautenfelserstraße2, 8952 Irdning-Donnersbachtal)

Please pay attention so that the arrival of our guests can go smoothly! We look forward to your coming and an unforgettable ball night.

The 2024 high school graduates


The event is designed as a green event.