Tractor in the field at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein photo competition
(c) Michael Gogg

HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein photo competition

(c) Michael Gogg

HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein photo competition

Reach for the stars and choose the best photo from your holiday practice!

photo competition with this topic last fall .
The call was started by email and around 30 students who had to complete compulsory curricular practice took part in the competition.


After the submission period, all students had the opportunity to award stars (points) for their favorite photos via Office Forms. The students Theresa Schneeberger and Patricia Richter from the 4th year carried out this vote independently.
I would like to thank you very much for this reliable work. The vote produced the following result:


  1. Place: Michael Gogg with the photo of the tractor team in the sunset
  2. Place: Helena Buder with the photo waterfall in Iceland
  3. Place: Felix Niederdorfer with the photo combine harvester in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

The placed winners receive a small cash prize from the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein parents' association, thank you very much for your support. 


But read for yourself the comments that the students wrote on their photos: 


Michael Gogg, 4l class: During my extensive practice on an arable farm in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, I spent many hours on the tractor, mostly doing transport work and tilling the soil. In the photo you can see my most loyal companion during this time: a Fendt 936 S4 with a Tridem Krampe trough transporting rapeseed in the evening light. The sunset gave the moment a special atmosphere that I really wanted to capture. Looking at things like this makes working even more fun. This time in northern Germany was very beautiful and educational.


 Gogg practice

Helena Buder, 4l class: My photo from the photo competition was taken in the south of Iceland in the summer of 2023. This waterfall is called “Seljalandsfoss” and was about 25 minutes away from our practice location Hvolsvöllur. There are also other waterfalls next to it and they are very well visited by tourists. The nice thing about this waterfall is the hike. You can actually walk right around it. My photo was taken right at the back. The rainbow that can be seen in the picture only appears at a certain time of the day, depending on where the sun is. But that's not just the case with this one, but with all of them! For those people who don't like getting wet, a rain jacket is recommended, as you can get really wet in some places.


 Practice Buder ISL

Felix Niederdorfer, 4th grade : In this picture you can see 3 of 7 threshers from our practice in beautiful Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. We were able to actively participate in the harvest work and gain a lot of experience. Barley, wheat, rapeseed, grass and silage maize were harvested on our farm. In conclusion, we can only say we had a great time at Gut Hohen Luckow!


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