Excursion to pig and chicken farming in Eastern Styria
(C) Raumberg-Gumpenstein

Excursion to pig and chicken farming (1ALG, 5U)

(C) Raumberg-Gumpenstein

Excursion to pig and chicken farming (1ALG, 5U)

This year's 1ALG and 5U classes were able to gain exciting insights into the area of ​​pig and chicken farming. During the excursion on Wednesday, March 6th, they set off highly motivated at 8:00 a.m. towards Eastern Styria and were also able to gain information about chicken fertilizer production and the operation of a biogas plant.


When we arrived at the first company, many people were amazed at its size. The family runs a fattening pig farm with around 2,000 pigs and operates a biogas plant. After a short refreshment, we continued to a laying hen farm.

The tour is very informative. In addition to selling the eggs, chicken fertilizer is also produced. The heat of the chicken coop is fully utilized to dry the manure. The three chicken coops visited offer space for a total of 50,000 chickens.

The practical insights from both companies expanded our knowledge and all in all it was a very successful excursion. We would like to thank Mr. Eichholzer and Mr. Kaltenegger for their support and our dear Felix for the excellent organization. (Gruber Maria)