Dr. Peter Kaltenegger
(C) HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein, M. Kogler

Obituary Dr. Peter Kaltenegger

(C) HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein, Kogler

Obituary Dr. Peter Kaltenegger

We received the sad news that our graduate and colleague DI Dr. Peter Kaltenegger, MJ 1976, died far too early. Dr. Kaltenegger worked successfully for rural development in the European Commission's Directorate General for Agriculture for many years.

Peter Kaltenegger maintained contact with “his school Raumberg” throughout his entire career and filled it with life and content. In particular, the always well-maintained contact with our students, for example on the occasion of our “Europe Days”, underlines Peter Kaltenegger's concern for our young people.

The Raumberg-Gumpenstein community is losing an extraordinarily successful graduate and a particularly good and collegial friend.

Our thoughts of deep sympathy are with his family.

Johann Gasteiner, director