Renovation work on the dining room in Raumberg
(C) HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

Dining room extension

(C) HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

Dining room extension

expand the existing dining room at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein school building . The dining room currently in use was built in 1956 and only has a seating capacity of 180. This compares to a current population of more than 400 students.

Only through staggered access to the dining room and taking into account different lunch breaks in the timetables can a regular supply be guaranteed. The “traffic jam” in front of the dining room during breakfast, lunch and dinner is unfortunately part of everyday life and is only too well known to every Raumberg graduate. In March of this year , regional companies began construction work to expand the dining room at the Raumberg School. Access will subsequently via the newly renovated Steirerhalle . efficiency of the processes should be optimized through modern equipment, the redesign of the food serving area and fundamental renovations in the kitchen . A basement and a modern acoustic concept mean that when school starts in autumn 2024, a beautiful, new dining room can be used that meets current and future requirements. The many conference visitors from Raumberg-Gumpenstein will also be fed in this dining room.