Krautzer Bernhard. Dr.
Crop production and cultural landscape research
Altirdning 11
8952 Irdning-Donnersbachtal
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+43 664 611 19 91
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Scientific management of the Institute for Plant Production and Cultural Landscape with a focus on:

  • Seeds and varieties
  • Grassland renewal and regeneration
  • Preservation and promotion of biodiversity in the cultural landscape


Gumpensteiner Weingarten receives hail protection net

On August 12th, the hail net was installed in the Gumpensteiner vineyard by the winemaking team from the Silberberg technical school. The vines are developing well and...

Partner meeting of the Life VineAdapt project

From July 22nd to 25th, project partners of the life project VineAdapt from Hungary, France, Germany and Austria met in southern Styria...

Four hectares of wild bee pasture for the “BeeWild” species protection project

There has been a successful cooperation between the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein and the “BeeWild” initiative since the beginning of the year. The focus of this...

Impact of drought on cocksfoot

With climate change and increasing droughts, cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.) is becoming increasingly important for agriculture. This study, published...

Bavarian testing in exchange of experiences

On June 11th and 12th, employees of the Bavarian state testing department went on an excursion to HBLFA Gumpenstein. The group sat down...

Test page for explanations - formatting options

meaningful, interest-inspiring introductory text, possibly with boldface letters - then continue reading...

Review of the 2024 greening conference

Under the motto "Innovative solutions for greening in public spaces", the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein organized together with the university...

Summer in April - HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein on ORF 2

Climate change in focus On April 8th, the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein was involved in the ORF2 program “Thema”. The post entitled "Summer in April...

Beneficial flower strips regulate aphids in legumes

If planted and cared for correctly, beneficial flower strips from local wild plants can last for several years and, ideally, permanently.

Gumpenstein Greening Conference 2023

The Gumpenstein greening conference on the topic of “site-appropriate recultivation and greening in high altitudes” unfortunately has to be canceled. We plan for...

Gumpenstein Greening Conference 2024

The Gumpenstein greening conference on the topic of “Site-appropriate greening in public spaces” will take place on April 24, 2024 from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the Achtu...

Workshop - Edible wild herbs in grassland

A contribution to regional and health-conscious nutrition. ...

Workshop - Further processing and preservation of edible wild herbs in grassland

A contribution to regional, sustainable and health-conscious nutrition. ...

Open position as secretary

In the area of ​​the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management, HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein, Raumberg 38, 8952 Irdning...

Grand opening of the insect chalet village

At the Gröbming Technical School for Agriculture and Food Economics, the event took place on Friday, June 24th. A chalet village was ceremoniously opened. ...

Make research work tangible

After a year of preparatory work, the exhibition and excursion area on the topics of “Soil-Water-Plants” was opened on Wednesday, June 22nd by Dr. Andre...

The broad spectrum of grassland management

Project goal: to provide insight into the broad spectrum of grassland management...

Job advertisement: Agricultural skilled worker - Institute of Plant Production and Cultural Landscape

In the area of ​​the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Regions and Tourism, HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein, Raumberg 38, 8952 Irdning-Donnersbachtal, g...

Mixture show garden

  Nomenclature of the ÖAG mixtures Each mixture is clearly identified by an associable letter or combination of letters....

Opening of the soil-water-plant show area

The opening of a soil-water-plant exhibition and excursion area will take place on June 22nd at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein research site...

Biodiversity initiative of the Gröbming technical school in cooperation with the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

Plant biodiversity is the basis for all diversity in the landscape. ...

Sustainability research to secure the nutritional basis of our ruminants

With 1.34 million hectares, grassland is the largest agricultural crop in Austria. ...

FarmLife BD - Biodiversity assessment concept

The aim of the FarmLife Biodiversity (FarmLife BD) project was to develop a system for assessing the effects of different agricultural practices...

Compensation areas for forest pasture separation on acidic sites - better feed is possible with little effort

The separation of forests and grazing rights in Austria is widespread and involves enormous time and financial effort. Around the...

Harvesting methods for seed material from species-rich grassland - a long-term comparison

Species-rich grassland in the form of extensive pastures and meadows represents important biodiversity hotspots in our cultural landscape, but unfortunately...

72nd Plant Breeders Conference (72nd Conference November 22 - 24, 2021)

The 72nd Plant Breeders' Meeting will be held in Raumberg-Gumpenstein from 22 to 24 November 2021. ...

Between yield and biodiversity

In the “Dimensions” series on Ö1, Lukas Tremetsberger has put together a contribution about grassland. ...

The Gumpenstein test areas are buzzing

Since April 2021, three bee colonies have been located at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein test field and are managed by employees of the Institute of Plants...

Strategies for climate-adapted grassland stocks - 05. Podcast

Management and plant populations are changing: increasing temperatures, longer growing seasons, increasing drought stress, becoming more frequent...

Effects of drought stress on cocksfoot varieties

Project goal: The results should provide information about drought tolerance as well as the efficiency of water use. ...

Special grassland management at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein

The previous week, numerous master's students from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences completed the lecture seminar "Special Grassland Management...

REGRASS II: Re-establishment of grassland strips to promote biodiversity and services

Background information from previous studies 2017-19 In the three-year REGRASS project, the contribution of newly created ecological...

Beneficial flower strips and undersown crops regulate aphids in legumes

It is our job to ensure that the loss of biodiversity is not only stopped, but we must also actively contribute to ensuring that...

The Institute for Plant Production and Cultural Landscape introduces itself

The following video provides a brief insight into the tasks of the employees of the Institute of Plant Production and Culture...

Re-establishment of extensive grassland to promote biodiversity

Re-establishment of extensive grassland to promote biodiversity and essential ecosystem services Since the middle of the 20th century...


Species diversity, vegetation dynamics and nature conservation The floristic composition of the plant population and the plant species diversity are...

Grassland improvement

The no-break grassland renewal closes gaps in the stands and creates efficient, high-yielding plant stands with a strong grass...

Gene preservation

At the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein, the breeding of Austrian ecotypes of grasses and small-grain legumes is carried out...

Yellow gentian (Gentiana lutea) - cultivation, harvesting, processing

Yellow gentian thrives particularly well in alpine climates and can easily be cultivated at altitudes of up to 1,600 m. ...

Glyphosate waiver! New action strategies in weed control

Due to the avoidance of glyphosate for area preparation, mechanical weed control is becoming increasingly important for us. To get this...

Seed mixtures for intensive grassland management

Seed mixtures for intensive grassland management taking into account changing climatic conditions (SEEDMIX)...

Optimization of seed production of site-appropriate grasses and legumes for grassland farming and landscaping in the Alpine region

Stable, persistent, harmonious, healthy, highly digestible, dock-free plant populations that are adapted to the climate and use are the basis...

Plant species diversity depends on many factors

Plant species diversity is an important assessment criterion for nature conservation. A high diversity of plant species is an indication of a high natural...

Permanent greenery in fruit and wine growing

Creation and maintenance of permanent greenery in fruit and wine growing. In terms of management, permanent greenery in the lanes is like intensively managed...

Blooms as far as the eye can see

Our plant cultivation employees are currently traveling all over Austria to assess a wide variety of wildflower meadows. Wildflower meadows are...

Beneficial flower strips for aphid control

The fact that flowering strips make an enormous contribution to increasing biodiversity in the agricultural landscape and has potential in terms of natural planting...

Re-establishment of extensive grassland to promote biodiversity and essential ecosystem services

In this project, the applicant takes on the role of a partner who, due to his many years of experience in the establishment of extensive...

Assessment of soil quality

The suitability of a grassland area for a certain type of management and intensity of use depends crucially on the soil. The...

Videos of specialist lectures at the 2019 organic conference

The HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein Organic Institute was able to welcome more than two hundred interested conference participants from...

Floral eye candy with lasting benefits

Flower meadows made from regional, certified wild plant seeds in the center of Liezen...

Biodiversity - use land or increase diversity?

As part of the ÖPUL measure, many farmers have committed to creating biodiversity areas in grassland. An international study...

Investigations of gravel lawns on an inner Alpine site - comparison of limestone gravel and building material recycling based on vegetation and geotechnical properties

Gravel lawns as water-permeable, drivable and greenable gravel areas can also be used as parking areas in the area of...

Inner Alpine roof greening - Extensive green roofs with seeds from inner Alpine origins (GreenDach)

In connection with land consumption and soil sealing and the associated loss of near-natural habitats, the extensive roof is emerging as...

Green Mountain: Sustainable development models for mountain areas

Mountain areas are important habitats and ecosystems that face a variety of hazards and threats. Due to the economically m...

Site-appropriate high-altitude greenery in the Alpine region

Site-specific high zone restoration in the Alpine regionInerbimenti idonei al sito in ambienti d'alta quota nelle AlpiVegetalisation en altitude dans ...

Description of Styrian clover and three origins of Lens culinaris

 Description of the land variety Steirerklee according to UPOV and CPVO (Community plant Variety Office) Description of three lentils from gene banks in Hungary...

International EUCARPIA trial on rust infestation of ryegrass

New edition of this successful experiment, expanding the range of varieties by 2 species and including all locations of the first experiment...

Arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) in grassland farming and landscaping

As part of the EU project FAIR CT98-4024 “Seed Propagation of Indigenous Species and their Use for Restoration of Eroded Alpine Areas” (coordination...

Development and maintenance of site-appropriate grasses and legumes for grassland farming

There has been a scientific discussion of Alpine grassland farming in Austria since 1889. At the same time, Theod...

Conservation breeding of site-appropriate species

In order to ensure competitive grassland farming in the Alpine region, an independent forage plant zoo is being established at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein...

2306: Seed mixtures

Checking the quality seed mixtures for variety stability and their competitiveness as well as determining the yield and feed quality

2339: Evergreen

Use of site-appropriate species in landscaping and the basics of their seed production

2379: Sukzi

Succession studies in the alpine pasture area of ​​the nature park community of Kleinsölk

2388: GreenRoof

Inner Alpine roof greening - Extensive roof greening with seeds from inner Alpine origins

2413: GeneConservation

Ex-situ conservation of plant genetic diversity in Austrian extensive grassland (grassland gene bank)


Re-establishing grasslands to promote farmland biodiversity and key ecosystem services

2728: Neprovalter: EU Interreg IIIb

Network for the appreciation and improvement of knowledge about local agricultural production in the Alpine area / Network of the local agricultural production for the valorization and the knowledge of the Alpine Area

2742: GrünDü

Water-friendly fertilization of drained grassland areas in the Eu Regio-Alpine foothills

2747: Salvere

Near-natural grassland as a resource to improve biodiversity

2750: B team

Expert group for the revitalization of industrial brownfields

2922: Alpine pasture

Creation and sustainable management of alpine pastures according to forest-pasture separation

3544: WT: Iris meadow

Creation and maintenance of valuable meadows for nature conservation in the middle Ennstal

3569: WT: ReproGenSam 1

Expansion and expansion of the long-term storage facility for seeds of grasses and small-grain legumes

3622: WT: gravel lawn

Investigations of gravel lawns on an inner Alpine site - comparison of limestone gravel and building material recycling based on vegetation and geotechnical properties