
    Assessment of soil quality

    The suitability of a grassland area for a certain type of management and intensity of use depends crucially on the soil. The individual grassland soils differ in terms of yield potential, yield security, sensitivity to footfall and compaction, tendency to weed infestation, lime and fertilizer requirements and fertilizer efficiency. The assessment of soil quality and the current soil condition as well as the determination of yield-limiting factors are therefore of great practical importance. The quality and condition of grassland soils can be assessed and evaluated in the field using simple tools.


    Assessment of soil quality

    Assessment of soil quality

     HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein


    Bohner Andreas, Dr.

    Dr. Andreas Bohner

    Environmental ecology
    Krautzer Bernhard. Dr.

    Dr. Bernhard Krautzer

    Institute management for crop production and cultural landscape