Partner meeting of the Life VineAdapt project

Partner meeting of the Life VineAdapt project

From July 22nd to 25th, project partners of the life project VineAdapt from Hungary, France, Germany and Austria met in southern Styria at the site of the educational center for wine and fruit growing in Silberberg.

After the arrival on Monday, the Styrian State Winery Silberberg, the Higher Federal Teaching and Research Institute Raumberg-Gumpenstein and the BioErnte Steiermark were introduced on Tuesday morning. Afterwards, a young plant that had been planted with a variety of species as part of the project and an existing plant with very good greening success were visited. The participants were impressed by the cultivation of the steep slopes and the traditional hand-picking craftsmanship. In the afternoon, the internal project meeting was held in hybrid form. A fitting end to the first day took place with a wine cellar tour including tasting in Silberberg and a final visit to a wine tavern.

On Wednesdays, the project partners attended the practical day “Biodiversity and vegetation management in viticulture” in Silberberg. On Thursday, a final excursion was organized for the project partners; the Hartlieb oil mill and two organic wineries were visited. The young age structure and the small-scale variety of businesses as well as the impressive landscape along the South Styrian Wine Route were the conclusion of the international week of events as part of the Life VineAdapt project in Southern Styria.

  VineAdapt                  2 2024 VineAdapt Species-rich permanent greenery for young plants 



Graiss Wilhelm, Dr.

Dr. Wilhelm Graiss

Head of department
Krautzer Bernhard. Dr.

Dr. Bernhard Krautzer

Institute management for crop production and cultural landscape

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