Research projects

    Conservation breeding of site-appropriate species

    Krautzer Bernhard. Dr.

    Dr. Bernhard Krautzer

    Institute management for crop production and cultural landscape

    In order to ensure competitive grassland farming in the Alpine region, the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein carries out independent forage plant breeding for the climatic and structural characteristics of these areas.

    Particular focus is placed on species and variety characteristics that are particularly important for grassland farming in rougher locations. Endurance and disease resistance are the main breeding goals, along with satisfactory yield performance and high feed quality. In Austria, a large part of seed consumption can be covered by our own varieties adapted to the specific climate and farming conditions.

    The parallel development of a quality segment for seed mixtures, which has been excellently accepted by the grassland industry, also ensures the continuous sales of high-quality domestic production (ÖAG quality mixtures). This enables a propagation and pricing policy that can react much more slowly to the usual fluctuations on the world market than would be the case with foreign varieties purchased or produced under license. The high potential demand for organically produced seeds suggests possibilities for expanding the production area.




    Development and maintenance of site-appropriate grasses and legumes for grassland farming

    Krautzer Bernhard (2004 - 2010)