
Buchveröffentlichung "Practical Precision Livestock Farming"

Im Rahmen des Projekts "Pansens4" wurde im September 2022 ein Buch mit dem Titel "Practical Precision Livestock Farming. Hands-on experiences with PLF technologies in commercial and R&D settings" veröffentlicht.

Das Projekt „Pansens4“ beschäftigt sich mit den Zusammenhängen zwischen Beschleunigungsdaten und Hauben-Pansen Motorik bei Milchkühen..

Die im Zitat angeführten Autoren leisteten dazu mit "Chapter 9" (Titel  "Evaluation of an indwelling sensor bolus for telemetric measurement of rumen motility") einen wertvollen Beitrag.


Precision livestock farming (PLF) technologies have been heavily promoted in the past, but the implementation of these technologies is not easy. Numerous technical challenges need to be solved before PLF technologies will supply the desired information in a reliable and consistent way. Farm implementations regularly encounter difficulties. The practical experience associated with these technologies do not always match their theoretical potential. 93 authors from 16 countries were asked to report on the actual practical experiences technology developers and users had under farm conditions to try and understand this difference between practice and theory. This book aims to eliminate the ‘mystery’ behind the ‘Smart’ PLF tools, and presents the hard facts reported by individuals that have practical experience using these technologies.

The book also explores various aspects of PLF, including the (1) challenges associated with developing and using various technologies, (2) the importance of training and ethical aspects of PLF tools, and (3) the difficulties related to commercialisation of PLF systems. We hope that the honest presentation of the pros and cons of PLF management tools will help the supporters of precision farming to better use and interact with modern technologies, and thus sustain viable livestock production worldwide.


Fasching, C., A. Steinwidder, M. Astl, G. Huber, M. Kehrer, and J. Gasteiner. Chapter 9: Evaluation of an indwelling sensor bolus for telemetric measurement of rumen motility. Pages 155-163 in Practical Precision Livestock Farming.


Fasching Christian, DI

DI Christian Fasching

Tierhaltung, Tierschutz und Herdenmanagement
Steinwidder Andreas, Priv. Doz. Dr.

Priv. Doz. Dr. Andreas Steinwidder

Leitung Forschung & Innovation
Huber Gregor

Gregor Huber

Tierhaltung, Tierschutz und Herdenmanagement

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