Podcasts :/> Agricultural Science - knowledge compact

Dr. Josef Riegler - Ecosocial Market Economy - 50th Podcast

Conversation with Dr. Joseph Riegler

Conversation with Dr. Joseph Riegler

 (C) HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein, M. Kandolf

DI Dr. hc Josef Riegler “My life for a stable and correct balance of ecology, social issues and the economy”

Josef Riegler, who grew up on a mountain farm in Styria, is a visionary. Through his tireless efforts, he has left a deep mark on the development of agriculture and also on environmental, social and economic policy - not just here in Austria.

More than 35 years ago he developed the concept of the eco-social market economy . The former federal minister, vice chancellor and co-founder of the “ Global Marshall Plan ” is thus setting strict limits on the one-sided growth dogma and the unbridled liberal monetary policy as well as everything extreme.

His vision is a sustainable and peaceful human civilization - and the eco-social market economy is the model to achieve this.

In a podcast conversation with Priv.-Doz. Dr. Andreas Steinwidder you will hear interesting background information about the eventful life of DI Dr. hc Josef Riegler :

  • How influential was his challenging childhood?
  • What led to the design of the eco-social market economy?
  • What does humanity particularly need today?
  • What contribution can everyone make to a positive development?
  • What advice does the young-at-heart Josef Riegler give to young people?

Take the time to listen to a valuable person! Be inspired to take responsibility!

In conversation with Dr. Andreas Steinwidder tells DI Dr. hc Josef Riegler about his experiences, how the model of the eco-social market economy developed and what the world needs today more than ever:
