Climate crisis forever?!
(c) Pixabay

1 climate crisis forever?! - The introduction

In the first part, Dr. Thomas Guggenberger says that you can imagine the climate crisis in Austria like a tsunami wave with an enormous stretch of water behind it that has a lot of energy in it. The climate crisis is developing not in minutes or hours, but in decades and we have reached a point where the need for action is more important than ever. Because we are not pursuing our climate goals seriously enough, there is still a large gap between our ability to act and what is necessary.



Here for you is the complete conversation on the topic “Climate crisis forever?! - Introduction” to watch:

Project manager

Guggenberger Thomas, Dr.

Dr. Thomas Guggenberger, MSc

Head of the Institute for Livestock Research

Research documentation


Holistic eco-efficiency as a method to support the dairy industry

Guggenberger Thomas (2018 - 2020)