What motivates our youth?
(c) Rural Youth Austria, M. Buchebner

Rural Youth - Next Generation - 40th Podcast

(c) Rural Youth Austria, M. Buchebner

Rural Youth - Next Generation - 40th Podcast

From the region to Europe: What motivates our youth?

What is important to young people? What accents does the largest youth organization in Austria set? Why are rural youth needed in Europe... and why should young people take part in the Europe Days at the end of November?

In the podcast conversation between Andreas Steinwidder and Markus Buchebner, the Federal Director of Rural Youth Austria, you will get answers to these questions!

With more than 90,000 members, Rural Youth Austria is the driving force of youth in rural regions. Rural youth stands for active leisure activities, personal development and helping to shape rural areas. The largest youth organization in rural areas represents the interests of young people in numerous national and international committees. It significantly shapes our future through educational measures, events and projects and thus promotes vibrant communities in our society.

With the main topic “Next Generation”, Rural Youth Austria promotes courage, confidence and optimism among the population and thus focuses on what unites them. Europe is also important to young people! Therefore, we work in international organizations, support exchange programs and also contribute to the organization of the Europe Days from November 24th to 25th, 2023 at the HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein.



Here for you is the full conversation from our head of research and innovation, PD Dr. Andreas Steinwidder with Markus Buchebner on the topic “ From the region to Europe: What motivates our youth ” in full length:



The rural youth on Instgram: https://www.instagram.com/landjugend_oesterreich

Further documents: 

