Climate crisis forever?!
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5 Climate crisis forever?! - The effect wave

The greenhouse gases that have already been described in the previous parts of the podcast series also have different effects of different lengths. This is called their effect wave. CO 2 takes over in the following years, while N 2 O and CH 4 become less and less present. The methane and nitrous oxide pathways attributed to the agriculture and biomass sectors must be completely separated from the discussion and fossil energy, because they are two completely different things. While we need to strive for a process change in agriculture, we need a complete transformation of social production and services in the area of ​​fossil energy.



Here for you is the complete conversation on the topic “Climate crisis forever?! - Introduction” to watch:

Project manager

Guggenberger Thomas, Dr.

Dr. Thomas Guggenberger, MSc

Head of the Institute for Livestock Research

Research documentation


Holistic eco-efficiency as a method to support the dairy industry

Guggenberger Thomas (2018 - 2020)